Assalamualaikum bloggie ...
as of next week ..wofsha will be away on Grace Leave. Granted just now. Thank you Allah ...SWT shukur sangat....I'll be back the following week ..hence the peculiar sabbatical title I had up there. ..hehehehe...this time no hankypanky no wi-fi....
I was jokingly suggested to attend a meeting with Mu'adz in Kuantan tomorrow ...hahahaha ..."VERY F-U-N-N-Y". Luckily I was saved by my Leaves and Duties. *relieved* ho ho...
having my Vico-beng and a pile of documents on my desk to review ..and COPPA's material to look through.... :
bloggie.... this fond-ness inside ...towards u-know-who irresistable ...just yet. haaaa.......
Yo no se cuan pue de mas yo me to mo fuera de este tumulto de corazon. Yo le pierdo mucho. Me pregunto por que le hizo parece en mi vida. Usted fue nunca grave hacia mi y ahora yo le pierdo mucho.
" But it is love, my Beloved. It is as near to you as your Life, but you can never wholly know it..." (R. Tagore)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
adesso vado a nanna ho sonno
Assalamualaikum bloggie...
syukur ke hadrat Illahi.... everything went as planned... I can finally rest in peace now ...btw,to all fans ..friends ..and family of Yasmin Ahmad condolence from the depth of my heart. I knew many would be missing her creativity...her passion in art...and her dedication to work. May Arwah rests in peace. Al Fatihah.
the past few days ...we all have been thinking ...(not that we weren't reminded of before...but ya know ...) Life comes and goes a blink. Not one second late ..when it's There for you to Return. I wish and pray ...My Life will be worthliving for ....and Should I be Called upon ...I wish of no other than to die as a Muslim.
The excruciatingly hectic life I've had these few days ...have made me realize...there's other thing than this World. I guess I have made the right choice forget who is not mine.
the Question is... Have I?
syukur ke hadrat Illahi.... everything went as planned... I can finally rest in peace now ...btw,to all fans ..friends ..and family of Yasmin Ahmad condolence from the depth of my heart. I knew many would be missing her creativity...her passion in art...and her dedication to work. May Arwah rests in peace. Al Fatihah.
the past few days ...we all have been thinking ...(not that we weren't reminded of before...but ya know ...) Life comes and goes a blink. Not one second late ..when it's There for you to Return. I wish and pray ...My Life will be worthliving for ....and Should I be Called upon ...I wish of no other than to die as a Muslim.
The excruciatingly hectic life I've had these few days ...have made me realize...there's other thing than this World. I guess I have made the right choice forget who is not mine.
the Question is... Have I?
Friday, July 24, 2009
Construction of Belief
Assalamualaikum bloggie.....'s heaty today ..i should have done the laundry and conquer the whole lines haha...last night was raining heavily plus thunder and lightning. I didn't get the chance to mingle at all I need to be up uber-early today head for my seminar. It's pain in the neck already ...yet ...I'm fighting every single laziness as I could.
mu'adz and the gang left for Johor Humanitarian Mission last night. Those people do not know the meaning of tiresome. They work ...endlessly. If they can ..why can't I? exacta mucho.
i'm practically car-less as of tomorrow ..coz I forgot to renew my roadtax. he he padan muka wofsha bloggie...gotta wait till Sunday for Abg Din to renew it. hoh.....luckily am only driving in the local area tomorrow. jangan la JPJ wat gatai nak pi roadblock dekat Polo Field tu ...masak den....hihihi... ops ****** jatuh plak ....
I came to reconciliation with Mr Irwan yesterday. He apologized (work-related issue). So did I. isn't that sweet ? KC will be laughing in joy if she knew I'm now back on track with her beloved Mr Irwan. what..ever.
I spoke my mind off in the meeting yesterday. I defied the comments and lazy remarks from senior staff ( way senior than me) I just told them straight up "am tired being nice" and it's about time we do it aggressively and be it if I have to put my neck on it! - there goes my crazy mouth. I just add 1 more intangible responsibility ..that shouldn't even be mine to begin with. what have I put myself into? I can almost see myself saying back to me in distort face "so called..committment...dawwhh sha..." and I smiled and made mutated face back to meself " well....dowhh...sakka....Allah Loves Working People!period."
there you go like-it-or-not muse of the day. I have reports to write and Life to Cherish................ to share? who do you think I'm bloggie? Sarah Palin? *lol*
I am my own Island and won't buy half-cup anymore! :)'s heaty today ..i should have done the laundry and conquer the whole lines haha...last night was raining heavily plus thunder and lightning. I didn't get the chance to mingle at all I need to be up uber-early today head for my seminar. It's pain in the neck already ...yet ...I'm fighting every single laziness as I could.
mu'adz and the gang left for Johor Humanitarian Mission last night. Those people do not know the meaning of tiresome. They work ...endlessly. If they can ..why can't I? exacta mucho.
i'm practically car-less as of tomorrow ..coz I forgot to renew my roadtax. he he padan muka wofsha bloggie...gotta wait till Sunday for Abg Din to renew it. hoh.....luckily am only driving in the local area tomorrow. jangan la JPJ wat gatai nak pi roadblock dekat Polo Field tu ...masak den....hihihi... ops ****** jatuh plak ....
I came to reconciliation with Mr Irwan yesterday. He apologized (work-related issue). So did I. isn't that sweet ? KC will be laughing in joy if she knew I'm now back on track with her beloved Mr Irwan. what..ever.
I spoke my mind off in the meeting yesterday. I defied the comments and lazy remarks from senior staff ( way senior than me) I just told them straight up "am tired being nice" and it's about time we do it aggressively and be it if I have to put my neck on it! - there goes my crazy mouth. I just add 1 more intangible responsibility ..that shouldn't even be mine to begin with. what have I put myself into? I can almost see myself saying back to me in distort face "so called..committment...dawwhh sha..." and I smiled and made mutated face back to meself " well....dowhh...sakka....Allah Loves Working People!period."
there you go like-it-or-not muse of the day. I have reports to write and Life to Cherish................ to share? who do you think I'm bloggie? Sarah Palin? *lol*
I am my own Island and won't buy half-cup anymore! :)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
wofsha & wishes
Assalamualaikum bloggie ...
it has been a while ....right ? hehehehe well ...everyone's busy does wofsha .... up to de neck i'd say. It was a swelling experience ... walking around datelines and myriads of challenges.
And we headed to the end of Rejab with the Isra' Mikraj being the encore of the month. Wofsha was invited to a talk ...and honestly bloggie ...wofsha has changed the perception towards ...some people who'd abused this type of Holy event into a political carousel. The last time ..wofsha attended Gaza talk ended up as a place to talk about political party and uncivilized is that? and Yesterday was different ....though the Guest Speaker has obvious inclination towards a political party ...he managed not to talk about it. instead he spoke of Religion ..Al Quran and Hadith ...and Sabahat's Stories .... nah ...isn't that beautiful? Personally, I like that. Very much. To my surprise too...
i like the story of zaman Rasulullah SAW he crafted and weaved through our modern understanding and the concept of mikraj itself. simple yet deep and filled with thought provoking matters. MasyaAllah...
Then I thought of this "Sister" in my discussion group. She's a Manager of a chilren's bookstore here. She wore a purdah. She's still funny and crack jokes with us. She portrays the image of a Muslimah and upholding it. Then kan ..bloggie ..wofsha thought...cemana agaknya if I were to put on purdah? heee ....there goes the description on why was i distorting my face like that in the aboved photo..... he he he ....tiba2 hati ini dilanda satu keinginan bloggie .... i don't know what is it really many things have been going on in my life .... and I have never felt this way. The urge to know what is it like ..if it were Me... * woweee*
then the thought of "You" came to my mind. wofsha shouldn't have become so nice towards you till wofsha's heart is somewhat tickled. wofsha feels that "You" is only kidding around. as "You" has always been. wofsha should forget "You" .... because there's no way in this world ..wofsha will be able to tell "You" what did wofsha feel inside towards "You". If the Prophet Sulaiman can be such a gentleman and wrote that adamant letter to Queen Balqis, then wofsha should learn the lesson. Day by day ...wofsha is trying to take it up as another joke...coming from "You" - the person wofsha can never understand Ignorance has actually made us grown.
Back to Sister Purdah.... will I one day like her? I don't know....but the guts are boggling.
what about "You"? only Allah SWT knows. who is wofsha to speculate Life and Fate...
wofsha is No One....
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friends' Time
Assalamualaikum bloggie...
after Allah sahaja yang tahu moments ... I finally embraced myself. no... am not emo.... though I like the PT name ... no.... sha no emo yesterday ....
yesterday tu ... hanya wofsha and Allah je yang tahu the pain...
oh yeah I made my final speech infront of the new students. wah... there was a moment. serious. and i'm glad I did well ..( Alhamdulillah ..syukur amat Ya Allah) walaupun I was tested at the beginning of the ceremony.... oh yes... I had been humiliated by cannot-say-who in front of the public. jujurnya bloggie ( mentang2 ada visitors dari Indonesia today ....ngomong-ngomong....lumayannnnn hahahahah) again ...jujurnya ...wofsha amat pedih melihat keadaan itu ... inside my Heart ... wofsha rasa sedikit kesal ....berkongsi pengalaman dan sesi bersama beliau.... layak ke nak panggil "beliau"? SK ker.... (i can almost hear Ary saying this... huhu )
betul la tu ...the voice was right. SK ker? SK won't do such thing la....I believe in Allah's Punishment. What goes around - comes around. if not sooner ...later. - biar kan...
tapi dalam hati sebal amat ya ampunn.... hoh..teringat emmanuel kant ...the rights of free consent! he he
wofsha will be in kl august 18th, finally i get to see my friends. indah nya ... will surely not waste this opportunity to have some quality time with them. Then I'll shoot to Kerteh for my....hunting-man-from-O&G? hahahaha ...of course NOT lah's the Turtle Sanctuary Project. My children and I are sooo looking forward to it. We have been simultaneously busy preparing for The Project and the Presentation. My Hope? - to inculcate the Love for Nature and Aqua Marine species. wish I can share the outcome with someone I really wanted to... unfortunately ... It will constantly remain ...Unfortunate. *grins halfheartedly*
so ...lights off. time to be at home ... I haven't sit at the Dining with my parents for a while. it's about Time :)
after Allah sahaja yang tahu moments ... I finally embraced myself. no... am not emo.... though I like the PT name ... no.... sha no emo yesterday ....
yesterday tu ... hanya wofsha and Allah je yang tahu the pain...
oh yeah I made my final speech infront of the new students. wah... there was a moment. serious. and i'm glad I did well ..( Alhamdulillah ..syukur amat Ya Allah) walaupun I was tested at the beginning of the ceremony.... oh yes... I had been humiliated by cannot-say-who in front of the public. jujurnya bloggie ( mentang2 ada visitors dari Indonesia today ....ngomong-ngomong....lumayannnnn hahahahah) again ...jujurnya ...wofsha amat pedih melihat keadaan itu ... inside my Heart ... wofsha rasa sedikit kesal ....berkongsi pengalaman dan sesi bersama beliau.... layak ke nak panggil "beliau"? SK ker.... (i can almost hear Ary saying this... huhu )
betul la tu ...the voice was right. SK ker? SK won't do such thing la....I believe in Allah's Punishment. What goes around - comes around. if not sooner ...later. - biar kan...
tapi dalam hati sebal amat ya ampunn.... hoh..teringat emmanuel kant ...the rights of free consent! he he
wofsha will be in kl august 18th, finally i get to see my friends. indah nya ... will surely not waste this opportunity to have some quality time with them. Then I'll shoot to Kerteh for my....hunting-man-from-O&G? hahahaha ...of course NOT lah's the Turtle Sanctuary Project. My children and I are sooo looking forward to it. We have been simultaneously busy preparing for The Project and the Presentation. My Hope? - to inculcate the Love for Nature and Aqua Marine species. wish I can share the outcome with someone I really wanted to... unfortunately ... It will constantly remain ...Unfortunate. *grins halfheartedly*
so ...lights off. time to be at home ... I haven't sit at the Dining with my parents for a while. it's about Time :)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
If Only I Could Turn Back Time...
bloggie...assalamualaikum ...
wofsha is awfully ...sad .... the one and only memory I have left of Googly is now gone... why do wofsha care anyway ...if u were to ask me bloggie.... my sole answer would be ...yes bloggie ...i damn my own subtle way .... and when the last laughter we've shared just went in the drain like that .....of course am devastated.... i don't have a perfect brain to hold all memory ... I lost that ability in an accident...pictorial memory isn't my forte.... :(
I keep my memories fondly in writings.... to help me looking back ... to help me appreciate the people in my life....
today .. I lost it ...sedih bloggie...itu je yang wofsha have left.....lain-lain dah takda.... even that vanished..... it wrenched me ...
wofsha is awfully ...sad .... the one and only memory I have left of Googly is now gone... why do wofsha care anyway ...if u were to ask me bloggie.... my sole answer would be ...yes bloggie ...i damn my own subtle way .... and when the last laughter we've shared just went in the drain like that .....of course am devastated.... i don't have a perfect brain to hold all memory ... I lost that ability in an accident...pictorial memory isn't my forte.... :(
I keep my memories fondly in writings.... to help me looking back ... to help me appreciate the people in my life....
today .. I lost it ...sedih bloggie...itu je yang wofsha have left.....lain-lain dah takda.... even that vanished..... it wrenched me ...
Assalamualaikum bloggie...
i did the most unbearable thing to even write it about today. I sent my desktop terminal for formatting ..and little did i realize..i forgot to make a copy of my picture folder to my pendrive was back up by the tech. i wonder did they see all my collection of photos...huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
die die.
dah la ari ni wofsha meeting macam orang bodo je bloggie. Ada budak UK ..cas lebey ...haa sehinggakan tak reti nak beza wofsha sarcastic ngan serious. so lastly wofsha buat lawak bangang kat situ sehingga Irwan naik tensen ngan wofsha. lantok le ....sakit hati jugak wofsha kalu dah asik nak cas ...ingat ni haper? bateri 9 cell ka ....urghh....
semua benda ALL wrong today. nangis pun ada. tensen ada. macam-macam ada....
i did the most unbearable thing to even write it about today. I sent my desktop terminal for formatting ..and little did i realize..i forgot to make a copy of my picture folder to my pendrive was back up by the tech. i wonder did they see all my collection of photos...huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
die die.
dah la ari ni wofsha meeting macam orang bodo je bloggie. Ada budak UK ..cas lebey ...haa sehinggakan tak reti nak beza wofsha sarcastic ngan serious. so lastly wofsha buat lawak bangang kat situ sehingga Irwan naik tensen ngan wofsha. lantok le ....sakit hati jugak wofsha kalu dah asik nak cas ...ingat ni haper? bateri 9 cell ka ....urghh....
semua benda ALL wrong today. nangis pun ada. tensen ada. macam-macam ada....
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Fever Mania
Assalamualaikum bloggie...howdy doodeee....
wofsha is at the verge of having flu. thanks to irwan the cute midget. it took him to be around me for 5 mins to get it. i couldn't even remember when was the last time i had about bad day or getting sleepier yet couldn't sleep. it's my rest day ..yet am still at work trying to figure out what went wrong with my terminal. now am stucked with lappy which isn't really my preference coz am the traditional type. wah! hu hu
turtle sanctuary retreat might come true after all. wofsha is finalizing all the details and grants. I just hope I can please every one in this matter ( tho i do know ... i can't) I have yet decided on my team leader and project outline. Will be seeing my students in a week's time. Am thrilled. so does Irwan, Atikah and Izzati. However, only Irwan and wofsha will lead the project this time. wish us luck bloggie...coz i was hoping i can bring everyone. but the lesser the better according to the WWF Turtle Conservation Project Leader. so Muadz ...Izzati...atikah...nidzam ... cest la vie hehehehe. am sure ya'll be busy with motivation talks and courses too...
I love this new team. They are cooperative and thoughtful. we're resurrecting TOT training next month with the four of us as the senior leaders. I'm so excited ...
remember Luqman bloggie? well Irwan, Izzati, Atikah and I will be sitting together to come up with a proper plan to assist Irwan since he'll be in his class. It's not easy but inshaAllah we'll go through this together. and wofsha just love it juz now when he said " u just go home and rest, come back next week ...looking forward to see you" whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...for the first time in my working life here I CAN REST??!!! - Can you say that phrase again next week? hehehehehehe ... - Nope.
tehehehehehe....bestnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bloggie...wofsha can sleep and do other things besides work! finally. ^_^ (mari bergoyangggggg....) *lol*
guess what? i'll bake moist chocolate for them next week. token of appreciation...
*still smiling...*
wofsha is at the verge of having flu. thanks to irwan the cute midget. it took him to be around me for 5 mins to get it. i couldn't even remember when was the last time i had about bad day or getting sleepier yet couldn't sleep. it's my rest day ..yet am still at work trying to figure out what went wrong with my terminal. now am stucked with lappy which isn't really my preference coz am the traditional type. wah! hu hu
turtle sanctuary retreat might come true after all. wofsha is finalizing all the details and grants. I just hope I can please every one in this matter ( tho i do know ... i can't) I have yet decided on my team leader and project outline. Will be seeing my students in a week's time. Am thrilled. so does Irwan, Atikah and Izzati. However, only Irwan and wofsha will lead the project this time. wish us luck bloggie...coz i was hoping i can bring everyone. but the lesser the better according to the WWF Turtle Conservation Project Leader. so Muadz ...Izzati...atikah...nidzam ... cest la vie hehehehe. am sure ya'll be busy with motivation talks and courses too...
I love this new team. They are cooperative and thoughtful. we're resurrecting TOT training next month with the four of us as the senior leaders. I'm so excited ...
remember Luqman bloggie? well Irwan, Izzati, Atikah and I will be sitting together to come up with a proper plan to assist Irwan since he'll be in his class. It's not easy but inshaAllah we'll go through this together. and wofsha just love it juz now when he said " u just go home and rest, come back next week ...looking forward to see you" whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...for the first time in my working life here I CAN REST??!!! - Can you say that phrase again next week? hehehehehehe ... - Nope.
tehehehehehe....bestnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bloggie...wofsha can sleep and do other things besides work! finally. ^_^ (mari bergoyangggggg....) *lol*
guess what? i'll bake moist chocolate for them next week. token of appreciation...
*still smiling...*
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Summer and Fall
Assalamualaikum bloggie...
with global warming around ...our season in the southeast asia is badly afftected too. residing in a coastal area ..has somewhat given me unpredictable weather ... almost ...daily... and... same goes with Life too... it's unpredictable ...ever... :)
how queer .... wofsha woke up one morning and found ...the whole clan of my friends back in college and wayy back facebook. it really does ...unite people. I am so happy to know most of them make it. and everybody is chillin' juz like before ....
adly is the same ..cute and chirpy as ever ... i remember how he lovesss drama.and in his farewell card to me ( I forgot where I kept it ...should be in one of those boxes...) he wrote something like ..If i ever stage a play (that was my dream back then actually) he wanted me to be sure of inviting him in my list of honored guests ... so sweet... his words were soothing and inspiring ... once upon a time. :) now... Do I still wanna write a play? - :) I almost forgot I once Love It very much. I enjoyed reading and revising scripts ...with DD, fairuz, anis, lan name a few ... I miss it so much upon thinking of them. *sigh* we rawk back then guyz .... :)
It's really bizarre (sokna's favorite word) having the chance to glance in a different direction. It transient the path I've taken before and the Strength I gather now. People and Friends are two different entities ( to me, at least.) People are random life. Friends are special Life. People use their ability to camouflage feelings and attitude ...coz they are never your Friends...nor Life. They can say or speak of what they want ..not from the heart but only from a compulsive mind that couldn't be bothered of the impact. People too, talk of ambiguity and charades. at times ...they're frikkin' good at it too. They're just extremely good in silhouetting what's not theirs. Nevertheless... the presence of Friends lessen the pang of it. Friends, though far ..their prayers Once .... keep one company ..for her entire Life.
with global warming around ...our season in the southeast asia is badly afftected too. residing in a coastal area ..has somewhat given me unpredictable weather ... almost ...daily... and... same goes with Life too... it's unpredictable ...ever... :)
how queer .... wofsha woke up one morning and found ...the whole clan of my friends back in college and wayy back facebook. it really does ...unite people. I am so happy to know most of them make it. and everybody is chillin' juz like before ....
adly is the same ..cute and chirpy as ever ... i remember how he lovesss drama.and in his farewell card to me ( I forgot where I kept it ...should be in one of those boxes...) he wrote something like ..If i ever stage a play (that was my dream back then actually) he wanted me to be sure of inviting him in my list of honored guests ... so sweet... his words were soothing and inspiring ... once upon a time. :) now... Do I still wanna write a play? - :) I almost forgot I once Love It very much. I enjoyed reading and revising scripts ...with DD, fairuz, anis, lan name a few ... I miss it so much upon thinking of them. *sigh* we rawk back then guyz .... :)
It's really bizarre (sokna's favorite word) having the chance to glance in a different direction. It transient the path I've taken before and the Strength I gather now. People and Friends are two different entities ( to me, at least.) People are random life. Friends are special Life. People use their ability to camouflage feelings and attitude ...coz they are never your Friends...nor Life. They can say or speak of what they want ..not from the heart but only from a compulsive mind that couldn't be bothered of the impact. People too, talk of ambiguity and charades. at times ...they're frikkin' good at it too. They're just extremely good in silhouetting what's not theirs. Nevertheless... the presence of Friends lessen the pang of it. Friends, though far ..their prayers Once .... keep one company ..for her entire Life.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Head on the Wall
Assalamualaikum bloggie...
Minggu Silaturrahim 2009

how are you? I'm in the ocean of people and works! I'm glad the module meeting went well. The preparation is done! huh bunyi macam majlis kawin je bloggie kan? ha ha ha. I was supposed to be in Jeli this morning but THANK GOD schedule can be postponed. Lega rasa nya...
I have few things to do and I'm excited!
Minggu Silaturrahim 2009

lunch break ... time to peek....hihihi
dedicated parents ...
Our one and only OKU student, Luqman (in blue)... nice and Gifted boy ..wofsha Impressed...
There are many more photos....wofsha is not that "hardworking" to upload coz I have TOT meeting tomorrow ..regardless the fact that it's a Public Holiday ... (dowwh....the by-election is spoilt) Does it have to be a PH? if your people are committed to the state...they'd go ..rain or shine..... *yawn*
time to read and catch up on my other work! nunnite bloggie...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Personality Test
.jpg)
hee...last night I took the liberty of piggybacking coz I can't sleep due to overloaded work at hands. The connection was left open since ..ever ...and lappy detected it bored to death... so thank you :) I read a few online news in my comfortable ocean of pillows, and stumbled upon ...Dr Fisher's Personality Test. There it went. hu hu
It hits...partially - oh okai...three-quarter-of-it ( thank God... ) it's nice to know that my life is not much "skidded" from the track of so-called "normal" people's life. I thought I am weird ... (yeah....hush hush) *lol*
I'm full and sleepy la pulak bloggie. Statistics lom siap lagi can do it baby!
How To Know if He is "The One"?
Assalamualaikum bloggie ...
I came across this video article on yourtango. It's uber-funny. How do you know if he is "the one"? Does he remember dates? hahahahahha this one is like a stigma in women's life. Man just GOT TO remember dates! else...DIE. How is he with kids? - haaaa ...this one is subjective ...*lol* there's one remark ..if a guy starts talking about having children on a FIRST date, DIE also hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Does he want to hear every "passing" thoughts? - OH this one is wicked funny. Would you do it? I doubt ANY men would tolerate it ...if there's ever... Do Tell me! ha ha
Thank you Sunshine
Assalamualaikum bloggie...
hermm...see kan wofsha told u before matter what wofsha can't simply delete this blog ..because this is the only place I can trash my feelings and whatnots and resume my work ...peacefully... hehehe :) no matter how screwed I am with my routines ...I'd still need my 5-minutes blabbering moments here .... and did I tell you bloggie I love my playlist so much? hehehehe :)
both of my buddies are having the time of their life of writing ....been texting me since morning .... hoh ...i am so happy for them ...wish I could be there ....would like to show mine too ...hahahaha *lol*
i was getting ready earlier when I saw this moving drama on Hallmark. huuu.... The Tie ...I wonder what happened ...ish ...but it really touches me deep lah hehehehe....betapa I Miss the Life I had before bloggie .... and betapa I am scared to face now. Tapi kena gigih jugak ...kan? Hidup ni banyak surprises ....mana la tau SK akan muncul ....perghh....verangan tak hengats....
ok back to my kerja ...and prep for next weeks ahead. byk lagi tugas yang perlu di selesaikan ...
To the Infinity and Beyondddddddddddddd...
hermm...see kan wofsha told u before matter what wofsha can't simply delete this blog ..because this is the only place I can trash my feelings and whatnots and resume my work ...peacefully... hehehe :) no matter how screwed I am with my routines ...I'd still need my 5-minutes blabbering moments here .... and did I tell you bloggie I love my playlist so much? hehehehe :)
both of my buddies are having the time of their life of writing ....been texting me since morning .... hoh ...i am so happy for them ...wish I could be there ....would like to show mine too ...hahahaha *lol*
i was getting ready earlier when I saw this moving drama on Hallmark. huuu.... The Tie ...I wonder what happened ...ish ...but it really touches me deep lah hehehehe....betapa I Miss the Life I had before bloggie .... and betapa I am scared to face now. Tapi kena gigih jugak ...kan? Hidup ni banyak surprises ....mana la tau SK akan muncul ....perghh....verangan tak hengats....
ok back to my kerja ...and prep for next weeks ahead. byk lagi tugas yang perlu di selesaikan ...
To the Infinity and Beyondddddddddddddd...

macam wofsha kan? hihihi .. chomeyy...
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thank You Mr GB

tadi while wofsha tengah pening nak siapkan speech tu ....wofsha teringat kat si Hinohara yang panjang umur tu ...wofsha nak guna dia untuk speech wofsha ...then wofsha teringat kawan wofsha yang cute tu ada info i hopped la ...then wofsha saw me-name....
wofsha wanna say ...thank you hor mr khalek... that's all. *smile*
Angel of 100PLUS
Assalamualaikum ...
bloggie ..bloggie... tadi wofsha tengah siapkan my works ... then tup2 ..ustaz hafiz datang ...bagi 100plus. ish ish sungguh baik la ini budak ... his room is downstairs in the 'aquaria' mine is the "kayangan above"- different block, jauh tu .... I salute his kindness... he bought everyone drinks. one whole plastic bag. I think there are a few others at the next block ... he is one of a kind...such a kindhearted and Strong Man in religion. Why do I say so? coz he really upholds the Islamic example of a man. He meant and practised what he preached. MasyaAllah ...his mother is so lucky to have given birth to him(wofsha hopes anak-anak wofsha nanti pun bleh jadi macam tu ...cewahhh...) I Respect this type of human A Lot and I don't simply Joke hu-ha with them. and Nope wofsha bukan nak ngorat dia pun. Wofsha kagum akhie2 yang sebegini ...dengan perjuangan Dakwah Islamiah nya ...SubhanAllah ... kagum amat. Wallahu khairurrazikinnn...semoga Rezeki Allah SWT ini membentuk dia dan bimbingan2nya ke Arah yang Benar ... hunaa likalwalaayatulillah hil haq. huwakhaiirun thawaabaanwwa khairun 'uqbaa (18:44) D sana pertolongan hanya datang dari Allah yang Hak, Dialah Pemberi Pahala dan jugak Pemberi Balasan. Amin.
bloggie ..bloggie... tadi wofsha tengah siapkan my works ... then tup2 ..ustaz hafiz datang ...bagi 100plus. ish ish sungguh baik la ini budak ... his room is downstairs in the 'aquaria' mine is the "kayangan above"- different block, jauh tu .... I salute his kindness... he bought everyone drinks. one whole plastic bag. I think there are a few others at the next block ... he is one of a kind...such a kindhearted and Strong Man in religion. Why do I say so? coz he really upholds the Islamic example of a man. He meant and practised what he preached. MasyaAllah ...his mother is so lucky to have given birth to him(wofsha hopes anak-anak wofsha nanti pun bleh jadi macam tu ...cewahhh...) I Respect this type of human A Lot and I don't simply Joke hu-ha with them. and Nope wofsha bukan nak ngorat dia pun. Wofsha kagum akhie2 yang sebegini ...dengan perjuangan Dakwah Islamiah nya ...SubhanAllah ... kagum amat. Wallahu khairurrazikinnn...semoga Rezeki Allah SWT ini membentuk dia dan bimbingan2nya ke Arah yang Benar ... hunaa likalwalaayatulillah hil haq. huwakhaiirun thawaabaanwwa khairun 'uqbaa (18:44) D sana pertolongan hanya datang dari Allah yang Hak, Dialah Pemberi Pahala dan jugak Pemberi Balasan. Amin.
Friday the 10th
Assalamualaikum bloggie...
wofsha likes friday....wofsha pun suka the number 10. come to think of it ...apa yang aku tak suka ek? hahaha even my Mak said ...semua bende ko telan ..macam tongsampah MPKB hahahaha well... it runs in the family la Che' ......tadi pagi kan bloggie emak ..kecoh2 ....pepagi ari ni patut nya wofsha menghadirkan diri di seminar...tapi malash ...sbb wofsha nak "touch-up" dateline wofsha. hehehehe...rupa2 nya my cousin came nak mintak sign pengesahan Penghulu kampung for her daughter's documentation. Since when Ayah aku jadi penghulu ..I mumbled....coz i just had my shower and was still sleepy heee :) dah tu my mak was like..."gi tolong ata dio rumoh tok ngulu nuhhhh..tepi skoloh tu jah..." - wofsha pun tengok le mak wofsha tekebil kebil dengan sanggul towel wet hair haku ...."haaaa...?" u know apa jawab mak haku? "oloh nga gitu sudoh laa..tunggu dale keto jah ..bia dio jah sore turun ..." - I was like .... what? you're kidding me right? suruh haku pi with that TOWEL ON MY HEAD?!
I did send her there ..MINUS the towel tho...I just hid myself in the car with that wet hair hahahahaha...luckily people hardly notice la kan ...the penghulu cannot sign la pulak....oiggh...then sent my cousin back ayah ordered me to go to his friend's house ...deeeeeeeepppp in the area of fishing village.... again....with semi-dried hair ..i had to put on my scarf la ..coz this one is a bit farther ahead....gile ke apa wofsha ...dosa tak hengat ...he he.
I've never been to this penghulu's house ... so jadi pelancong la wofsha pagi tadi...though am familiar with the Fishing Village ... but the people there rarely know me. Orang kat kampung tu ...satu keturunan normally depa kenai in my case ...people will tengok me like ..." anok sapo tuuuu.....tok rajin kelihh...." :(
we found his house...greeted his wife ..salam here n there ..pot pet tot tet ...signed! done!...hahahaha ... what freaked me was when the tokketua tu asked me " abe ore mano?" - wallaaweeiiii.............cousin aku dah sengih macam kambing dah kat situ... tu abe tu bukan abang brother maksud nya ...abe tu equivalent to a Husband! at that time ..wofsha felt like cair already to the floor....dengan susah payah nye ..i told him the truth... and he asked his wife " anok kito hok bosu jate tu umo berapo eh?" wofsha panicked. I rolled my eyes to my cousin with the we'd-better-RUN signal. My cousin hurriedly excused ourselves..."terima kasih ek pakcik...makcik.... kami balik dulu ...Assalamualaikummm...." by the time she said that I was already ignited my car. hahahahahahahahahahah. adoii...
What a Friday.... kan bloggie... so after dah tolong semua orang pagi ni ... everybody now turn pulak to make meself happy ....submitting the write up! hmm....
Tadi masa drive by the beach ..wofsha rindu nak melepak tepi pantai petang2.....tgk sunset...
May it comes true.
wofsha likes friday....wofsha pun suka the number 10. come to think of it ...apa yang aku tak suka ek? hahaha even my Mak said ...semua bende ko telan ..macam tongsampah MPKB hahahaha well... it runs in the family la Che' ......tadi pagi kan bloggie emak ..kecoh2 ....pepagi ari ni patut nya wofsha menghadirkan diri di seminar...tapi malash ...sbb wofsha nak "touch-up" dateline wofsha. hehehehe...rupa2 nya my cousin came nak mintak sign pengesahan Penghulu kampung for her daughter's documentation. Since when Ayah aku jadi penghulu ..I mumbled....coz i just had my shower and was still sleepy heee :) dah tu my mak was like..."gi tolong ata dio rumoh tok ngulu nuhhhh..tepi skoloh tu jah..." - wofsha pun tengok le mak wofsha tekebil kebil dengan sanggul towel wet hair haku ...."haaaa...?" u know apa jawab mak haku? "oloh nga gitu sudoh laa..tunggu dale keto jah ..bia dio jah sore turun ..." - I was like .... what? you're kidding me right? suruh haku pi with that TOWEL ON MY HEAD?!
I did send her there ..MINUS the towel tho...I just hid myself in the car with that wet hair hahahahaha...luckily people hardly notice la kan ...the penghulu cannot sign la pulak....oiggh...then sent my cousin back ayah ordered me to go to his friend's house ...deeeeeeeepppp in the area of fishing village.... again....with semi-dried hair ..i had to put on my scarf la ..coz this one is a bit farther ahead....gile ke apa wofsha ...dosa tak hengat ...he he.
I've never been to this penghulu's house ... so jadi pelancong la wofsha pagi tadi...though am familiar with the Fishing Village ... but the people there rarely know me. Orang kat kampung tu ...satu keturunan normally depa kenai in my case ...people will tengok me like ..." anok sapo tuuuu.....tok rajin kelihh...." :(
we found his house...greeted his wife ..salam here n there ..pot pet tot tet ...signed! done!...hahahaha ... what freaked me was when the tokketua tu asked me " abe ore mano?" - wallaaweeiiii.............cousin aku dah sengih macam kambing dah kat situ... tu abe tu bukan abang brother maksud nya ...abe tu equivalent to a Husband! at that time ..wofsha felt like cair already to the floor....dengan susah payah nye ..i told him the truth... and he asked his wife " anok kito hok bosu jate tu umo berapo eh?" wofsha panicked. I rolled my eyes to my cousin with the we'd-better-RUN signal. My cousin hurriedly excused ourselves..."terima kasih ek pakcik...makcik.... kami balik dulu ...Assalamualaikummm...." by the time she said that I was already ignited my car. hahahahahahahahahahah. adoii...
What a Friday.... kan bloggie... so after dah tolong semua orang pagi ni ... everybody now turn pulak to make meself happy ....submitting the write up! hmm....
Tadi masa drive by the beach ..wofsha rindu nak melepak tepi pantai petang2.....tgk sunset...
May it comes true.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Lovely Day
Assalamualaikum bloggie...
huuu...wofsha ada dateline esok ...tapi sepatah apa pun lom taip .... mihahahahha stendekkkk...stok kamikaze la katakan bloggie ..hahahah ...smalam still got time to edit gambo ary and his 'other half' so-called...muhahahahahha oh yeah ..btw ary I didn't keep the photo ..after I sent it to you ...I delete my copy ..I know you might not be comfortable with someone else keeping your Mr Potter moment hehehehe ...sha simpan dalam *teeet* je la always hahahaha ...ingat dak the lawak yang hang kata wofsha "talking to the mirror tu?" I still remember ...kuang3x....hang duk kata kat sha "simpan ..simpan semua ...toksah cakap ..." hahahaha melodramatic muhehehehe....
Next....dah tu wofsha melangut in the yard ...nengok the moon. so chantekkk..... after the rain ...the skies were even clearer at night ....but it was really lovely la bloggie...esoknya melepak with Cassie (KC) over keropok and ayaq nyioq....sampai jadi ulau sawo dua2 hu ...actually bloggie... I am blocked. Ideas won't come out ... I cannot focus on what to Write. My mind is tired and my mood is just - low.
When sha hung out with KC ...rupa2 nya ada jugak yang dengki and curioused. I cannot pleased everyone. sorry la PEOPLE oiii.....
and today wofsha took a lot of photos....again ..malas lagi nak upload ...tunggu la yer. bojan dah semangat ajak nengok harry potter ... siap belek kalendar dah ... checked airasia semua ...sebelah my brain dah ada kat GSC ....then ..KABISH!! I have another program coming up! :(( uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bloggieeeeeee..... Why.........?
haii...sopek ..I wish you are here ..we can go jalan-jalan like no tomorrow. hehehe birthday ni kat Vietnam ek? whoaaa...another year wiser la you ...gigih sahabat ....cayouk!
Tadi kan bloggie...ada Perasmian Penutup Orientasi Pelajar Baru.. with a sour face wofsha walked into the Main Hall.... skali nak duduk belakang seat vip....the lady VVIP in front of me turned ...and EH?! Sha ..what are you doing here? - "eh? Cikgu ..what are YOU doing here? I work here.." - I'm invited by your CE. oooooOOOOOOooooo....melopong la wofsha kat situ bloggie ... then she asked me to move next to her ... pergh... hari ni wofsha jadi VVIP -3 jam hahahahahaha.... not a big thing pun ...cuma nya I am so excited seeing my Mentor my Cikgu. I adore her like ...SOOO MUCH. She speaks Bm and English articulately. In her Speech ...I can sit there and NOT doodle AT ALL or even think of anything or Anyone else! just listen and focus in what she's saying. It's like walking thru the history lane. Sungguh mempesona-kan. tul bloggie....I look up to her speech style.
only now am gaining my strength to work on my Writing (slowly...) oigh......YES I CAN!
huuu...wofsha ada dateline esok ...tapi sepatah apa pun lom taip .... mihahahahha stendekkkk...stok kamikaze la katakan bloggie ..hahahah ...smalam still got time to edit gambo ary and his 'other half' so-called...muhahahahahha oh yeah ..btw ary I didn't keep the photo ..after I sent it to you ...I delete my copy ..I know you might not be comfortable with someone else keeping your Mr Potter moment hehehehe ...sha simpan dalam *teeet* je la always hahahaha ...ingat dak the lawak yang hang kata wofsha "talking to the mirror tu?" I still remember ...kuang3x....hang duk kata kat sha "simpan ..simpan semua ...toksah cakap ..." hahahaha melodramatic muhehehehe....
Next....dah tu wofsha melangut in the yard ...nengok the moon. so chantekkk..... after the rain ...the skies were even clearer at night ....but it was really lovely la bloggie...esoknya melepak with Cassie (KC) over keropok and ayaq nyioq....sampai jadi ulau sawo dua2 hu ...actually bloggie... I am blocked. Ideas won't come out ... I cannot focus on what to Write. My mind is tired and my mood is just - low.
When sha hung out with KC ...rupa2 nya ada jugak yang dengki and curioused. I cannot pleased everyone. sorry la PEOPLE oiii.....
and today wofsha took a lot of photos....again ..malas lagi nak upload ...tunggu la yer. bojan dah semangat ajak nengok harry potter ... siap belek kalendar dah ... checked airasia semua ...sebelah my brain dah ada kat GSC ....then ..KABISH!! I have another program coming up! :(( uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bloggieeeeeee..... Why.........?
haii...sopek ..I wish you are here ..we can go jalan-jalan like no tomorrow. hehehe birthday ni kat Vietnam ek? whoaaa...another year wiser la you ...gigih sahabat ....cayouk!
Tadi kan bloggie...ada Perasmian Penutup Orientasi Pelajar Baru.. with a sour face wofsha walked into the Main Hall.... skali nak duduk belakang seat vip....the lady VVIP in front of me turned ...and EH?! Sha ..what are you doing here? - "eh? Cikgu ..what are YOU doing here? I work here.." - I'm invited by your CE. oooooOOOOOOooooo....melopong la wofsha kat situ bloggie ... then she asked me to move next to her ... pergh... hari ni wofsha jadi VVIP -3 jam hahahahahaha.... not a big thing pun ...cuma nya I am so excited seeing my Mentor my Cikgu. I adore her like ...SOOO MUCH. She speaks Bm and English articulately. In her Speech ...I can sit there and NOT doodle AT ALL or even think of anything or Anyone else! just listen and focus in what she's saying. It's like walking thru the history lane. Sungguh mempesona-kan. tul bloggie....I look up to her speech style.
only now am gaining my strength to work on my Writing (slowly...) oigh......YES I CAN!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Primary School Visit
Assalamualaikum bloggie...
today wofsha and bic went to her son's skolah rendah. full of little people yang sungguh cute and chomel chomel....sangat....unfortunately we are not allowed to take photos ....eisshh...kedokut betui la kan bloggie....
we went during recess time....comey nye tengok a group of little boys ..were ...shuffling. my goodness...budak kecik pun knew how to shuffle these days. the world has gone totally one-eighty... *sigh*
while bic was talking to the GB ... I lounged outside...cuci mata...watching the generation of tomorrow.... wah.... so promising ...kan dear bloggie ....and then the Bell rang... kuat gile....tersentak wofsha dibuatnya....ho ho ...
i miss my primary school ...tiba-tiba hahahaha... wish i could go back to that time ...comel nyeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... hihihihihi ...
wofsha merepek lagi...
today wofsha and bic went to her son's skolah rendah. full of little people yang sungguh cute and chomel chomel....sangat....unfortunately we are not allowed to take photos ....eisshh...kedokut betui la kan bloggie....
we went during recess time....comey nye tengok a group of little boys ..were ...shuffling. my goodness...budak kecik pun knew how to shuffle these days. the world has gone totally one-eighty... *sigh*
while bic was talking to the GB ... I lounged outside...cuci mata...watching the generation of tomorrow.... wah.... so promising ...kan dear bloggie ....and then the Bell rang... kuat gile....tersentak wofsha dibuatnya....ho ho ...
i miss my primary school ...tiba-tiba hahahaha... wish i could go back to that time ...comel nyeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... hihihihihi ...
wofsha merepek lagi...
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Assalamualaikum bloggie...
i get to sit down n think now. previously i was swamped with so many things. I saw Cassie was flattened too. She hasn't had her lunch yet. and it's almost time to dinner now. Poor girl. She works uber-hard to ensure others didn't undermine her. such a determined girl.
i know my brain is thinking ... i dunno what. I think? I do know what am thinking of la bloggie... it's just that right now ... i can't even write about it. Let alone to talk.. I don't even know how to put it in words. it's complicated. aighh...kenapa la jadi macam ni saat-saat gini kan bloggie...
tak tau lah sha mampu go through this obstacle or not ... all I know ..I wanna walk thru this ...with pride and honor.
pesan my best friend- jangan di ikutkan sangat ...betul jugak kata dia ...kadang-kadang dugaan tu datang ..tanpa kita sedar ...untuk melihat sejauh mana kita mengingati Allah SWT di sebalik dia... so, If i tak nak cari masalah dengan hati and soul ... tanya la Allah SWT sha ... hanya Dia yang memberikan Segala untuk kamu...dan jika dia even presented to you ...tanpa Rahmat Allah SWT ....tidak kemana. - i agreed with that bloggie. totally...
i get to sit down n think now. previously i was swamped with so many things. I saw Cassie was flattened too. She hasn't had her lunch yet. and it's almost time to dinner now. Poor girl. She works uber-hard to ensure others didn't undermine her. such a determined girl.
i know my brain is thinking ... i dunno what. I think? I do know what am thinking of la bloggie... it's just that right now ... i can't even write about it. Let alone to talk.. I don't even know how to put it in words. it's complicated. aighh...kenapa la jadi macam ni saat-saat gini kan bloggie...
tak tau lah sha mampu go through this obstacle or not ... all I know ..I wanna walk thru this ...with pride and honor.
pesan my best friend- jangan di ikutkan sangat ...betul jugak kata dia ...kadang-kadang dugaan tu datang ..tanpa kita sedar ...untuk melihat sejauh mana kita mengingati Allah SWT di sebalik dia... so, If i tak nak cari masalah dengan hati and soul ... tanya la Allah SWT sha ... hanya Dia yang memberikan Segala untuk kamu...dan jika dia even presented to you ...tanpa Rahmat Allah SWT ....tidak kemana. - i agreed with that bloggie. totally...
Assalamualaikum bloggie...
in the midst of registration ...the electricity ..went off. huwaaaaaaaaaa.... it was pitch black in the main hall... where I was. Then they changed the venue to thaqafi ... PSS came and angkut all the tables n whatnots ..bloggie....
wofsha met a new colleague ...from melaka ...dulu nama kutpm...rasa nya ...dia sebut laju sangat ... mechanical engineering. orang nya confident. pot pet bleh tahan ...nama ..Mu'az rasa nya ... i wasnt paying attention ... penat. sangat.
next week ada program khas. huk alohh bloggie ...wofsha dah flattened like a nan bread ... i met a few of the new students ... ada satu tu dia booking SATU bas ....dalam tu ada 8 calon pelajar ..and the rests were their families. whoaaaa...beruntungnya dorang nie....satu kampong mai hantaq ... melopong wofsha ... haku dulu ..kene tinggal tepi pagor je ...then buat sendiri ... spoilt. hee :) -then wofsha thought of this saying "sayangkan anak ..tangan2kan ...sayang suami? tinggalkan? hek ? sayang anak....biar depa register sendiri need to have the whole kromosoms of people sending them..aiyooo...
there were all sorts of ragams today ... yang pastinya ... i wish i'm in a jungle right now. with tigers and wildlife.... butterflies... birds ...and sunset ... from the top of a mountain ... cewah...
in the midst of registration ...the electricity ..went off. huwaaaaaaaaaa.... it was pitch black in the main hall... where I was. Then they changed the venue to thaqafi ... PSS came and angkut all the tables n whatnots ..bloggie....
wofsha met a new colleague ...from melaka ...dulu nama kutpm...rasa nya ...dia sebut laju sangat ... mechanical engineering. orang nya confident. pot pet bleh tahan ...nama ..Mu'az rasa nya ... i wasnt paying attention ... penat. sangat.
next week ada program khas. huk alohh bloggie ...wofsha dah flattened like a nan bread ... i met a few of the new students ... ada satu tu dia booking SATU bas ....dalam tu ada 8 calon pelajar ..and the rests were their families. whoaaaa...beruntungnya dorang nie....satu kampong mai hantaq ... melopong wofsha ... haku dulu ..kene tinggal tepi pagor je ...then buat sendiri ... spoilt. hee :) -then wofsha thought of this saying "sayangkan anak ..tangan2kan ...sayang suami? tinggalkan? hek ? sayang anak....biar depa register sendiri need to have the whole kromosoms of people sending them..aiyooo...
there were all sorts of ragams today ... yang pastinya ... i wish i'm in a jungle right now. with tigers and wildlife.... butterflies... birds ...and sunset ... from the top of a mountain ... cewah...
Friday, July 3, 2009
McLachlan & Memories
Assalamualaikum bloggie...
a heaty friday .... again mom and I are totally awsome in occupying the cloth lines... like wickedly full. B couldn't even open up her eyes under that bright sun about summer kan bloggie... the heat is just.. right.
earlier when wofsha updated ni pun ..duk gelak sorang2... laughing at pexky's qada' moment .... i thought pexky was kidding when she "warned" me last night ... you are one-crazy-n-loved buddy, pal. Keep being You ..Never Change. :)
reminiscing buddies and whatnots ... Sarah McLachlan's song brought me down the memory lane. Made me thought of my buddies Aji and Adi. I was introduced to them by an acquaintance. Nice men. Stok kelakar tak hengat bloggie ... and they fell in love with smoothie after I coaxed them to having one. They were true-friends. no hanky-panky. They would knock at our door at 4 am juz to have us made them EARLY breakfast! They'd drive us anywhere we want ... accompanying us shopping and dining whenever we wanted... those days were ... deeply missed... * sigh* I wonder where they are now ... I can barely remember their full names as they were fond to me as Adi & Aji. As am sitting here ..writing you this bloggie ... I remembered vividly ... the driving and giggling poking jokes at each other. I wish you guys forever more happiness and long live ... thank you so much for the friendship fostered among us. Both of you still put smiles on my face ...
hmm...dear bloggie ... yesterday was a cherishable moment too... I was having roti telur with bic at up-pekan shop ( i named that place coz it's pricey-wannabe hehe ) then.. I saw a familiar face. MY COURSEMATE BACK IN COLLEGE!!! OH MY GOD! we were screaming at each other - terkejut! almost 12 years bloggie....12 longgg years.... the last time was hu-ha-ing in the class..saying goodbyes ..packing stuffs ...kissing n hugging each other .... and that was it. after ALL these years... roti canai united us. i was nearly in tears. she was still stunned when I left her. *sigh*.... Life ... is simply ... flabbergastedly... a.m.a.z.i.n.g
a heaty friday .... again mom and I are totally awsome in occupying the cloth lines... like wickedly full. B couldn't even open up her eyes under that bright sun about summer kan bloggie... the heat is just.. right.
earlier when wofsha updated ni pun ..duk gelak sorang2... laughing at pexky's qada' moment .... i thought pexky was kidding when she "warned" me last night ... you are one-crazy-n-loved buddy, pal. Keep being You ..Never Change. :)
reminiscing buddies and whatnots ... Sarah McLachlan's song brought me down the memory lane. Made me thought of my buddies Aji and Adi. I was introduced to them by an acquaintance. Nice men. Stok kelakar tak hengat bloggie ... and they fell in love with smoothie after I coaxed them to having one. They were true-friends. no hanky-panky. They would knock at our door at 4 am juz to have us made them EARLY breakfast! They'd drive us anywhere we want ... accompanying us shopping and dining whenever we wanted... those days were ... deeply missed... * sigh* I wonder where they are now ... I can barely remember their full names as they were fond to me as Adi & Aji. As am sitting here ..writing you this bloggie ... I remembered vividly ... the driving and giggling poking jokes at each other. I wish you guys forever more happiness and long live ... thank you so much for the friendship fostered among us. Both of you still put smiles on my face ...
hmm...dear bloggie ... yesterday was a cherishable moment too... I was having roti telur with bic at up-pekan shop ( i named that place coz it's pricey-wannabe hehe ) then.. I saw a familiar face. MY COURSEMATE BACK IN COLLEGE!!! OH MY GOD! we were screaming at each other - terkejut! almost 12 years bloggie....12 longgg years.... the last time was hu-ha-ing in the class..saying goodbyes ..packing stuffs ...kissing n hugging each other .... and that was it. after ALL these years... roti canai united us. i was nearly in tears. she was still stunned when I left her. *sigh*.... Life ... is simply ... flabbergastedly... a.m.a.z.i.n.g
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
It's July!!!

Assalamualaikum bloggie...
Spring is hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) I love July. It commemorates impeccable good feelings and thoughts....friendships and ukhwah... Fresh air! - hopefully *winkies* not too late to wish ...aye bloggie...?
wofsha spoke to me buddy last night. we shared good feelings together and looking back at the yon years of ours .... it's more than we'll ever know ....isnt it bloggie... Life ...though not as we expected it to be ... will always be a part of us ... come what may ... little as we can say ... in time ... it'll be filled with Promises and Hopes ... eventually...
as good as it gets ... as sorrow when it parts ... wofsha doakan semoga kita semua di Bawah LindunganNya. Kekal dan Padulah Iman Itu ... Semoga all of us accelerate Islam, Iman & Ihsan nya... Amin.
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