Assalamualaikum bloggie ...
we meet again....i guess ...since we're stucked to each other ...bloggie has to bear with me ...penning meself like there's no tomorrow. huhu...teringat pulak wofsha kat mentor wofsha ..Mr MZM. dia cukup suka mengelak daripada di tanya wofsha macam-macam soalan ...sbb dia kata " tak larat nak jawab" *lol* what to do ...tak tahu ..kena lah tanya sir...
mungkin salah satu sbb kalau wofsha inquire about perkara yang betul2 tak paham ... it takes time for me to grasp and digest...and to some people ...itu mungkin menyengalkan... :)
suddenly wofsha teringatkan si the Rock. tortoise bic yang selalu nya wofsha kene jadi surrogate mother time cuti skolah ...when they go back to their hometown...wofsha is the tortoise-sitter. when the Rock got bored, he'd stepped on the lagi-satu. I didn't give the lagi-satu name because he seemed less attractive as compared to the Rock. wofsha le yang bagi nama the rock tu bloggie ...coz ...dia ganas and suka pijak and always ..seems to win - to be on top of lagi-satu. One day ... the lagi-satu dengan gigihnya ...bergerak ...and shoved the Rock yang sedang bertenggek dengan macho di atas beliau. se-slow lagi-satu tu pun bleh kalah the Rock, jadi ..wofsha...? manusia yang sempurna...Allah Izin ...takkan tak boleh kan? Usaha wofsha. Tanpa Usaha...the Rock takkan shoved down. and to the Rock ..sometimes you're up ... and they're time when you'll be down... sakkaaa... heheee....
Life is a Struggle. not just to human... yet to semua creatures ciptaan Allah SWT. wofsha faham benar akan hakikat hidup. cuma kan bloggie ..kadangkala..wofsha leka. macam lagu Atilia tu ..Leka...ku di belai Mesra ... pergh... sungguh sarats wofsha singing...
since temporarily juz u n me stucked here.... rasa nak tulis banyak-banyak pulak. earlier I told kcynodia @ cikgu yang baik hati itu... takde idea. sebenarnya wofsha merepek je ni cikgu ... jujur ..ide kontang juak ...ndak muncul2 ... tapi kan bloggie ...satu semangat yang wofsha dapat sementara menunggu esok ..jika ada Buat wofsha ... the return of SOME of my Kodoks. hopefully ... mereka bisa membuat wofsha tersenyum dan terus berpena-keyboard di sini dan di journal peribadi wofsha.
see you tomorrow bloggie...wofsha tetap kangen ... walau bloggie nggak mampu tuturkan sebarang kata mahu bicara. wah! ... jika ada Bella dan Virgy ni....pasti wofsha di ketawakan like dowwh... *hiks*
skrg wofsha jd tortoise-sitter kan..?
nti nov me nak culik orang-utan masuk lam beg merah n bagi wofsha jaga..nti me balik sana.. me pulak jaga..blewhs? hehe~
jadikler orang-utan-sitter.. hehehu~
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