Assalamualaikum ...
bloggie ..bloggie... tadi wofsha tengah siapkan my works ... then tup2 ..ustaz hafiz datang ...bagi 100plus. ish ish sungguh baik la ini budak ... his room is downstairs in the 'aquaria' mine is the "kayangan above"- different block, jauh tu .... I salute his kindness... he bought everyone drinks. one whole plastic bag. I think there are a few others at the next block ... he is one of a kind...such a kindhearted and Strong Man in religion. Why do I say so? coz he really upholds the Islamic example of a man. He meant and practised what he preached. MasyaAllah ...his mother is so lucky to have given birth to him(wofsha hopes anak-anak wofsha nanti pun bleh jadi macam tu ...cewahhh...) I Respect this type of human A Lot and I don't simply Joke hu-ha with them. and Nope wofsha bukan nak ngorat dia pun. Wofsha kagum akhie2 yang sebegini ...dengan perjuangan Dakwah Islamiah nya ...SubhanAllah ... kagum amat. Wallahu khairurrazikinnn...semoga Rezeki Allah SWT ini membentuk dia dan bimbingan2nya ke Arah yang Benar ... hunaa likalwalaayatulillah hil haq. huwakhaiirun thawaabaanwwa khairun 'uqbaa (18:44) D sana pertolongan hanya datang dari Allah yang Hak, Dialah Pemberi Pahala dan jugak Pemberi Balasan. Amin.
1 comment:
wow..dpt 100plus free lagik..
beruntung nya dieee..
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