Assalamualaikum bloggie...
It's TIME! it's HERE! finally!!! ...
Actually I plan to write more on this but I was caught up in courses and students' activity therefore, It was left with only the above remark hee :)
Earth Hour 2009 is about making a stand, by putting up the global votes to be carried forward to the Copenhagen Convention. its main purpose is to replace Kyoto Protocol since the u.s didnt want to sign that protocol to help protect this earth from the major global warming. It's for the World to "hear" the World's Votes and Voices.
Upon reading xeaa's comment ..it reminded of myself when I first heard this ...i mean ..do we really have to turn EVERY thing off? like ..how so? tak kene rompak ke bank nanti ...tgk kan iklan macam perghhh....fresno bergelap ...best siottt..mcm cool gilers...
logically ....all the prompaks and whatnots will be damn happy la if everything were to turn off..kan?hahaha ...so all the prampoks out there..>Fat Chance! ha ha
The LIGHTS that are intended to be switched off are the NON - ESSENTIAL lights ..for One Hour. What are non essential lights? the lights that will not affect the public or your personal safety. Dengan kata mudah tidak semua la bergelap...as LIMITED as possible ...to support this campaign...airport runaway tak leh off la ...sat gi ..terbabas semua flights ...huhuhuhu
My Place?
I plan to shut OFF ALL our lights that night ...(since bapak aku pun suka tengok news in the dark ..hahahahah we have been saving energy since ..FOR EVER! ...) except for the fridges, TV and 1 kitchen lamp. NICE! we already have street lights out ...so no problemo loh ....
I hope and wish for many Malaysians will support this. As part of the aim to get 1 billion votes in 1000 cities globally!
Is that it? 1 hour?
The Campaign is for ONE HOUR. However, this can be a start to a new beginning where we will realize how UBER IMPORTANT energy saving is. What we do daily ...and its impact to the climate change. Not just US ..but it's the Whole World issue. It's the initial start to start switching off the lights / computers / terminals / that we rarely use in the office...at home...business premises ...etc..
Why am I excited?
being a die hard eco ranger and damn..how heaty the earth these days ...make me realize ..I should start small...on my own. I "resurrect" recycling in the office and at home. I'm still preaching to the youngsters in my community to realize how vital this is to the world community. It's not easy. I got mocked. laughed at. poked fun to. macam-macam. rasa nak ludah pun ada ...hahahahaha but ...it won't deter my spirit. Small change will one day break into a bigger impact!
salam sha..
lamo dop berbual bualan..huhu
actually kan, i tak berapa faham.
kita kena light off je ke, sume brg letrik pun tak boleh pakai.
sejam kan? takpe eh?
tak takot ke masa tu perompak nak ambik kesempatan ke apa. huu
neway, i'll support this by doing something to my blog :p
Ye lah sejam but makes a different. Imagine save tenaga berapa banyak. Its a vote to the earth actually.
sejam permulaan..lama2 jadi habit ...moga2 berterusan ...menjadi amalan ..amin....
pa ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahaha hang ni kan ..ada ka sms suh tengok labu labi ..aku ingatkan apa kes ..hahahaha aduh siapakah yang membuat dengki pakaian kita habis di curiiiiiiiiiiiii haahahahah *lol*
AC... well kita serupa kan...
i was in kl masa earth hour, bunked in at my bro's place. klcc ditutup lampunya tau... time aku sampai tu ngam2 earth hour, aku punya la cari mana pi klcc yg tak jemu kupandang itu... sekali gelap daaa kl center
perghh ..haku pun siap bodek mak aku tutup semua lampu dapur ..kebetulan orang datang ada kenduri maulud..aku suruh on lampu tempat makan je ..and then orang2 tua kat situ ...cakap " ooo hari ni hari tutup tutup lampu tu ekkk" huhuhu ...
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