Assalamualaikum bloggie....This is the story of KAMI at a Landfill....on One Fine day....
We were greeted by THIS upon entering the dumping sitethe so called Pusat "Pelupusan" Sampah
mountains and layers of garbage, trash, domestic waste...u name it ...they GOT it ...
like an embankment of wastes ...this place is like selompat katak to A beach area. Right across THAT bund, waste hills, whatever u wanna call it..
My giant Kamil is trying to be in the shoes of those villagers nearby..who make their ends meet by collecting and sorting trash. These raggady-shacks are everywhere in this "site". People DO make money out of this ood-jobs. Some even found money/ jewelery, unused watches, tv sets, and etc...there's one collector who gather RM 1 notes (found in those PILES of WASTE) in bundles ...Human DO throw their 1 ringgit away meh? whoaa....tak sayang duit sungguh.Another man's waste, is another man's wealth...we never know ...kans?
My curioused Arif, "happily" tripped and fell into the SEWAGE waste (which is simply mixed with plastic bags full of trash!) He didn't see the ground of which he thought was solid...he stepped on it ...and the rests were just history...people can hear me babbling 5 kilometers away ...for his careless act and STINKY smell!!! We were very lucky not to have him stucked with us in the bus trip home. He managed to get a rinse from a nearby shower belongs to the Waste Management Plant. rupa dia lepas jatuh macam bapak Lalat. sbb all lalats in the world ..kerumun dia ...YEKKKKKKKKKKKK
it's a vast place...and hot ..and dusty...tis only a quarter of it ...
Kamil, Mukram, Hariz Spa Q hahaha, Am, Dan dan Arif the beach right across the dumpsite...ewwww..
The boys are heading back..home. Finally...
This is like the sweetest thing they could give me.....bukan bodek...they came up with this ..themselves. I'm not involved with any slithering extortion in producing this. ha ha
mcm dlm citer 'slumdog millionaire' yg me baghu tengok tewww.. sebijiksss sampahh dierrr..
wah landfill...bukit tagar tak g ke...neway when it comes to excited want to know...
ary: bukit tagar kat ne ?
alahai dak ariff.. terjatuh ler fullekk..ciaann..
di daerah hulu selangor...Bukit Tagar Sanitary Malaysia (Latitude: 3° 31' 60 N, Longitude: 101° 28' 60 E) exact k i described
hahahaha...macam la sha ni duk dalam spaceshipp siap bagi latitude longitude...sabo je haku ..wikisearch bleh la...cuba pi ukoq bebetui ataih tanah ...cuba..cubaa... bwekk :p
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