Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Nescafe Drunkard

Assalamualaikum bloggie...

after got back from GoRo (gotongroyong) macam pelik jee bunyi nye kan bloggie ...huhu ...we saw this red van parked outside of our office. Hah! Bic! Abang nescafe ko datang lagi! hahaha cewahh..mementang nak tong nescafe dalam tumbler...abang kunun...piiirahhhh hahahahaha ...si bic punya feveret la nescafe. aku tengok je lori nescafe tu ... then wofsha said to him " bang...esok datang la lagi ...esok ada fun fair (heh...)" - wofsha is not a fan ...but bic is ...so penuh la tumbler dia ngan iced nescafe kaw like yummy la jugak. seronok dia. wofsha smiled and thanked him - for stopping too often lately ... hrmmm....ada pe pe ke....? walaupunn.... haha

my chosen cook for today ...Kak Nor ...made me the best local dish of ikan tongkoi. terengganu style masak pedas, merah - wofsha namakan ...the dish ... ikan tumis wofsha... ho ho ho...suka hati.

and ..and ..hari ni kan bloggie ..ustaz mohammad panggil wofsha Jameeeeeeelah....(gelak guling2) pergghhh...best nyeeeeeeeee....rasa di sayangi oleh eldery itew .... besh. if wofsha is reminded of the name Miss Sha Jameelah ...wofsha will be smiling and acting weirdly! ha ha ...coz Mr Manzur pun suka sakat pasai the Jameelah thingy... I thought they've forgotten The Incident. hahaha "hi my name is Jameelah...you can call me Jamie..." hahahahahah - yakkdush!sungguh poyo ...albeit the fact it's...geli dowhhhh...tapi suka! ha ha ha....

hmm bloggie...life is not merely smooth sailing kan ...? there are times where one will down ...and vice versa.... yang penting ....hadapilah hari2 itu ...seperti tiada lagi esok bagimu....meoww..sungguh sastrawijaya ... he he ....esok entah wofsha masih wujud atau tidak ....in one corner of this voluptious, juicy heart ...I wonder ...(what to do ...genetic ...it's a trend these days ...) will I still be That Pavillion as vowed.

Hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui.

dear bloggie.... wofsha has report to submit and lesson plan to analyse. May tomorrow ... is still there for wofsha ... and Ya Allah... permudahkanlan urusan-urusan sahabat2 ku ...baik di DuniaMu ....dan AkhiratMu. Ketahuilah akan mereka ...diri ini Menyayangi....every moment I have had with every single beat of my Heart.

Have a Good One bloggie...


Anonymous said...

ingat Nescafe, ingat entri Ary pasal aroma di pagi hari....

Sha and Forward said...

same here kcy ....same here.... *sigh*

wofsha hanya mampu melihat...

pexky said...

nescafe..best jugaks tue..
kalo nescafe taruk coffemate...perghhh..
nikmatnya hingga titisan terakhir...
tp kan..satu tabiat aku..pepagi suke wat nescafe.. satu mug.. minum sikit jer mase bekpes..letak kat pantry...sampai ptg la jawabnya.. n kenkadang x abes.. buang sinki..

tp yg pinting aku sukak sama nescafeee..

Sha and Forward said...

hmm..pexky ngan khairy boleh jadi partner take over kilang nescafe huhu