Good bye to :
1. McDonalds
2. KFC
3. Pizza Hut
3 foodchains that I love to spend on hehehehe....I was watching Man U vs Chelsea last night when suddenly ..." eh ..football can ah?" hahahahahahah Man U UK maaaaa he he he he ....Anyway having lived in this remote area, we dont have starbucks, ben&jerry's, haagen daaz or whatnots. I'm somehow lucky not being tempted to spend on those products.
The Student Affairs department is organizing a rally..against those Israelians actions. Then I thought, they'd still kill those palestinians indiscriminately. Not that they scared seeing us burning their flags.. kan? Although, I AGREE on the BOYCOTTING. am doing it! Successfully!
I was having lunch with K and we talked about Palestinians issues. I almost lost my appetite. those people arent lucky as us. we can still sip on our sirap limau and nasi goreng paprik...*sigh* pity them.... I do Wish ..One Day those crazy, sick and sick-er Israelis will pay for The Price. JAHAT!

p/s: I watched a morning show on RTM 2 yesterday morning. There were 3 hosts, trying to have a selamber morning show, KUNUN nya ...and one of them was saying " I'm sorry ...(dgn gedix nyaa) I can't really miss my starbucks" that dialog was paraphrased. eii...sial je ...macam la bagus sangat ...as if the local Coffee ni dah tak bagus sangat...MACAM BAGUS! bodo! why don't u just keep your damn mouth shut! no need to make a remark of how gedix u are with starbucks la...die! like that face can come up on national tv ah? sei lohhh...what a biatch! keep your damn-opinion-to-yourself! don't air it! Learn how to behave on Live Show..else brambush!
AC... aku la yg paling tertortured
MCD tu semua la makanan ruji aku sebab rumah aku takdak dapoq huhuhu
nak senang punya pasai.. meaning pizza pun out kan...
but takpa aku sanggup berlapaq... those poor souls had it worse, way worse than us
as 4 the biatch... aku rasa kononnya dia bangga la slalu mensetabaqkan diri la tu...
aku pon suka gak hot choc dia... and i eat fast food almost everyday but hell am gonna express it...
she shud feel ashamed to talk like that..
really, tak dak kema*uan langsung
mmg tak pkir langsungkan bila berckp..ptt gam ajer org yg ckp mcm tu..very stupid..
semalam lalu depan mcD kerteh...first time aku x singgah setelah sekian lama duk sini. Tapi memang lengang...xde keta pun masa aku lalu tu. yg drive through pun lengang....hehehe..
itu lah! sini pun lengang ...kFC airport memang takdak orang ..klu dulu ...beratur sampai ke tangga bawah ...offices nearby semua bantai pegi situ ..hengatkan nak boarding hahahaha.
and pagi tadi ..aku terpandang...Pad a.k.a tuala wanita aku ...kimberly-clark ..MAKA-NYA! aku RELA bertukar PAD! huhuhu...seb baik dah tinggal sikit ..so after this support LOCAL PADS! he he he
salam sha. nono here.. :)
haha. mmg gedix! oh btw, sebenarnya bila kita boycott KFC, MCD and Starbucks nie, ia memberikan kita satu peluang (khususnya Muslim) untuk membuka perniagaan yang mempunyai persamaan ala-ala 3 franchise yang disebut diatas. Dan ini sangat menguntungkan.. Walaupun akan ada suara-suara sumbang yang akan mengutuk ataupun mengkritik, tetapi insha Allah ada jugak yang memberi sokongan. Percayalah.. :)
betul tu nono..I AGREE! i sokong local products! percayalahhhhhhhhh....en_me ..tanak duet ngan diksha kerr...ahaks
InsyaAllah segala kerja yang dibuat dengan niat yang baik akan di Bantu Allah SWT...amin...
randomly passing by...
tertarik dgn entry nih
keep on support malaysian product! :)
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