Assalamualaikum bloggie...
I'm Living Life to the fullest this CNY holiday. I have A LOT to write...but to spare more time on this ...feels like a such a waste when I can go and take photos outside and enjoying the sceneries. (hahaha) In the meantime, just to ease off the excitement inside...photos will ONLY be updated when I get back to KB. I still have another plan with Nor to accomplish.
Oh yeah, last nite I watched Inkheart with Pa. Since we were both exhausted from our Malacca Zoo trip, I fell asleep and missed the earlier part of the movie! hahahah the plot was a bit ..slow tho ..and it's like watching Harry Porter+LOTR+the Mummy (urghh...) CGI pun tidak best mana...like unfinished business (hehe suka ati kibod aje nak ngata filem orang ek) all in all, I like the expected-sorta-happy-ending. out of 5 stars, I gave 1.5.
I'm Living Life to the fullest this CNY holiday. I have A LOT to write...but to spare more time on this ...feels like a such a waste when I can go and take photos outside and enjoying the sceneries. (hahaha) In the meantime, just to ease off the excitement inside...photos will ONLY be updated when I get back to KB. I still have another plan with Nor to accomplish.
Oh yeah, last nite I watched Inkheart with Pa. Since we were both exhausted from our Malacca Zoo trip, I fell asleep and missed the earlier part of the movie! hahahah the plot was a bit ..slow tho ..and it's like watching Harry Porter+LOTR+the Mummy (urghh...) CGI pun tidak best mana...like unfinished business (hehe suka ati kibod aje nak ngata filem orang ek) all in all, I like the expected-sorta-happy-ending. out of 5 stars, I gave 1.5.

However, our Alamanda Dinner after Malacca trip was DIVINE! will post later, photos inclusive. Now, that's what we call "menteke". The last time we did this was during college years. To be able to do this again? oh Man...it's a Bliss!!! ha ha ha 2 persons ordering milkshake,blended vanilla, hot choc, banana split, 2 iced water...and whole table full of foods? it's history...will let the photos talk.

I haven't seen Pa for ..several years(see..I even lost count). Distance and work have somewhat contributed to that. we share different fields of works and FOOD got us together BIG TIME ( u should see to believe). It was Great. For those who have dearly-beloved-good-friends out there, no matter how far you are (or close) always find a moment / time / space / chance to "tell" how wonderful they are ..to YOU.

Take care bloggie, will keep ya'll posted soon!
ac heheh tulah, sib baik aku just tetido sat kat early part tu...
the zoo trip was a blast!!
pa...aku dah sampai umah..tadi pagi gi kelas...after that aku dah tak sempat sampai umah ..aku singgah opis ..tido..aku dah penat sesangat...hehehehe
pizza spotted there! wink2...nyum2 ;)
lamanya tak makan pizza..hurm..teringin lak nak makan...mengiurkan..hehe
nuar ...hehehe guilty as charged! tapi vukan pizza hut! dominos...satu2nya yang tidak dapat ku tahan setelah 8 tahun merindui dominos..(LAPAN tahun people....so..dengan rasa lapar dan bersalah gile...BUT i still boycott pizza hut! jujur sich..
AC, aku setuju dgn hang kalau la kita ni duduk dekat mmg mampuih kena exercise hari2 sebab mentekje tak hengat donia... aku tunggu cd dr camera hang tau heheh
Tetiba lak p0wut bebunyik nak kan d0min0's pixa..aiyaaakk..
tepon je 1800 number aku kasik tu ...order cam farah ...double decker ..extra segala ...MEMBUJOR LALU MELINTANG PATAH...SODAP..HAHAHAHAHA
xbesh mkn s0wang2..xder feel..hahaha..nti la tgu minggu dpn..hehehe..tingat sama ituk noodle vietnam lar..gerai n04..uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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