"if u don't know, u don't love" = in BMelayu, Tak Kenal Maka Tak Cinta. Precisely! I had class with DDE earlier today and I'm surprised at how cooperative they are. Cheeky but Polite. I have already informed them about the Field Trip. They are UBER-excited. Me? Can't wait to see the "products". 

DDZ is more or less the same. They're giggly and bubbly upon the news of FT. Some of them were spotted grinning with lightbulbs in their heads. Nyami-Nyami was absent today, I didn't get the chance to "nail" him in class. Am said "dia tak bleh mai Cik, taya dia PANCAT!" and I was like .." Hah?" and the cutie Hariz went "Pancit laa nko nihhh, ada ka pancat...ciksha mana tau" hahahahaha -they went. kena aku. adeii.....Am is a bit of a dreamer, yet he scored. (luckily)

Both sections have the King of class. if DDZ has Nyami-Nyami (named after the River God of Zimbabwe hahahaha by us!), DDE has Arwizal, Azlan and Shahir. Adeii....those people make me feel Alive in class. Not to mention the rests. Both have been very cooperative and I wouldn't mind being tired and spent extra long hours in the office catching up with my tedious and lengthy paperworks.
Now, i'm heading home. Makan puas-puas! Tomorrow will see Doctor Straight-Face @ 9am. huwaaaa....
pancat tu bahasa negeri maner??
wallahuallam...utara kot ...
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