this entry is tailored for Miss K, my colleague who's about to leave.
I know you are in the Deepest time and space Ever to Decide...
I know we didn't have much time (at all) these days talk...(that's why I chose not to talk)
I know you are striving your very best for your two Beloved Angels
I know you are busy ( so am I)
I know you think I might not be able to understand the Commotion of your Life...
I know I want you to choose the Best workplace to Serve and Have a good Life...
I know you know why I didn't want to talk to you, Yet (just in case you don't know or wondering the wrong thoughts - I didn't talk to you because I know you have A Lot in your Mind at the moment)
In sum, Pray to Allah SWT and you Should Know better with HIS Guidance and Mercy to Color your Life...
I will stop saying "I know" because truth is, I don't really know what's inside your Mind..
All I know is How to be a Friend ...

YOU know I'll always Will..
Godbless Miss K...!!
Miss K..Miss K
untuk pengetahuan uolls...Miss K didnt quit..tak jadi she stays...
huaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... miss G...i know u r still wif me although u refused to talk wif me...huawaaaaa.....anyway...kist have some conditions tat i cant ori sijil diorg nak pegang...giler x?huawaaaaa.......missed so much da moments we together2 la....i'm still here...HEP...anyway...i did my istikharah n 4 times i dreamt tat i'm in HEP...only me there...doing my work...playing wif my fish(huawaa...2ekor my fish dead...)huhuhuhu...and im confident tat my fate was here until 'tat time' come.....insyaallah...
cik sha...anyway...i nk mitak maaf again atas apa yg jadi...xkisahla u xnak ckp ngn i...nk malukan i ke...nak hurt my feeling ke...nk make me angry to u ke....nk buat pape ke...i xksh but i only know tat u r still my best buddy KTD..tats all..anyway..take care of urself...jg ur teeth erk...luv ya...salam
you are still my friend ..doesnt mean that we're not talking i despise you ...there are certain things I would like to make a stand ..and I have to temporarily sacrifice and put up a "play". the 'Ops' that we should have done's not that difficult. May be by doing that can open up the minds of the people who have been Lazy. u know what I mean...
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