Those are not the nombor tikam-tikam ek ...That's the paper codes for today. The ones I have been so worried of...(heh?) hehehehe....
I'm glad I managed to give them the last minute words ...the last huddle...I wasn't prepared for it though. 'coz normally when I give pep talks ...they're too used to my styles....when I opted not to ...they were the ones who'd said " cik sha ...any last words before we go in ...?" - eiii korang ni kan ....bila am not emotionally prepared suka jee tau ..buat request ...hengat ni radioshow ka ...
As blunt as I was at that time ...I went "ok huddle up..[paused] Ingat Allah. (and there were some faces like that's it?) nanti laaa...i belum habis cakap lagi ...don't give me That Look...duhhhh. You have worked damn hard for this, you've tortured me with so many vocabs've done things you'd never thought you did, Tawakkal ...serah pada Dia ...Feel Him inside you ...focus and Only He will Help you in your darkest moment-Just Him. Believe."
and everyone went ...silent...hemm...ok...then si along suddenly blurted out "yes I'm the best!" hahahahaha...everyone was laughing spontaneously...*i was holding my tears ...freaks hehe*
Ary is absolutely right. God will Strengthen and Help you. HE'd Helped them alright...the 2nd paper was Alhamdulilllah...the topics have been extensively discussed prior to this ...and Dengan IzinNya too, Listening paper was smooth though there were several technical problems...Hopefully everything will turn out fine for them ...inshaAllah.

The Bliss in Life is not Where we are Standing's Where we are Heading...
sha u ni..student yg exam u lak paranoid..teruk tul la....sampai banyak gile entry ari ni..neway reminds ur n menuntut ilmu Kerana ALLAH.k...coz dr Nya ianya dtg...
weh ...if u ada anak ...u tak risau ke anak u nak exam? dorang mak bapak jauh wooo..dah tu ada yang dari kategori unfortunate tau .....i bukan paranoid ...i risau n bangga dgn dorang ...byk yang dorang kene lalui...haaa...
mana ada banyak giler...dua tu banyak ek?tadika mana ni? hohohohohooho.....
iye saya dah cakap kat dorang setiap kali setiap masa ..akan pesanan awak itewww...cumanya hari ini lebih bermakna ...
lagi ...ada lagi nak pesan...? *grins*
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