I am wickedly torn between those 2. dah le kelantan main tonite. Which I didnt fancy much THANKS to the "genius" provokers in the stadium the other nite. Luckily I wasn't there. else...eiii...geram and frustrated. I wonder ...what will happen tonite if KELANTAN lost? hahahaa jangan le terbakar bukit jalil plak ....why la ..suka sangat jadi JURUbakar neh...alkisahnyaaa ...I can't watch Live show on AF tonite... not that am head over heels...but I like the way Acis turns the arrangement around ..fresher and cooler.Uber-awesome! Yet, I can't watch it...
Since I can't watch Both...I precariously look for lappy and here i am ...bloggin-rawkin sorang diri macam ...tah haper haper....sekali ...ntah from nowhere...lagu CT kluaq!olooohhhhh jiwangggg nyooo lagu gapo nihhhh...that was the first thing come to my mind ....it sounded sooooo phantom of the opera kinda piece....umakkk aiiii.....goosebumps!

So many things...in my mind and the skies are awfully dark tonite. *I miss stargazing...*
seems like someone killin me softly...huhu..mcm blog kawe je yg lagu ct tu...lid...serang sha ni.....ada ke dia kata opera....
Phantom of the Opera la...tu satu pengiktirafan tuu....huhu..khalid my buddy ...dia mana leh serang allies dia....hohoho...kan lid kan kan ...
sorry i missed the words...phantom n kinda piece...ye la kawe ni duk lari sana sini cari makan...tetiba ada org cite pasal AF7 n bola...hahaha...erm kalo kawe amik muet tadi dah fail dah ni..tak baca tul2x...ye tak miss sha
mana kita tahu kan?tu semua kerja Allah SWT....tah2 scorer...dah la..jgn layan blog..go do your work first ....sedey la plak cite lari sana sini ...huhu....
sha kelate kalah ek...ada insiden yg tak diingini?kawe sini takdo tv..hahaha...takpo usah algi hehe
seb baik kalah ...kalu menang .tatau la apa jadi ...rasa nya macam takde kot ..jalan2 dilaporkan lengang semalam...kat rumah pun lengang ...hihihi..ada hikmah tu....what goes around comes around ....huhuhu...COBAAN...
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