I haven't been able to update this as often as before ....I apologize to my dear friends in here. Although, I managed to keep in touch ..catching up reading a few of thems.
After I came back ( actually was summoned back) from Kuala Terengganu, I was tied up with Majlis Anugerah with Menteri Besar (penat haku gubah rose corsette kat dia..senget plak jadinya..argghhh) and being the welcoming committee leader (out of nowhere) had put me into haywired-days. I took the job ...reluctantly pissed. Oigh..why me? Since it's not something that I savor ...therefore ..I didn't snap my personal photo. Somehow I think the tech department has all the copies. Nanti le ...wofsha tengokkan...
At the same time I was vigorously suffering with my RCT tooth ( which doesn't seem to heal) Somehow the infection is still there..hussaini ... :( Yesterday DNH open up to check and seal it ...again ...my prayers weren't enough I supposed, there's still tiny weenie ..spot somewhere inside there...which hasn't healed. There I was back with temporary filling and by now I think I knew vast terms and knowledge of periodontical-ogy (hahaha) I am soo damn famous in that department ...practically ..every nurses there has memorized my name ..and LOOK ( oh well..whines...hahahha)
And I have new Masalah:- WISDOM TOOTH! - it's impacted! Dear God....banyakknya dugaan aku....ingatkan all these whiles..dah banyak ...so there goes another one .....muhasabah..muhasabah...sabar...and more sabar....

macam tu la lebih kurang ...gambar xray tu ...DNH tak kasik ...it's a burden to my oral hygiene coz the gum is somewhat flabbily half covering its way out. Summary dia DNH kata " I'll schedule you for full oral x-ray and surgery...yeah....HUH???!!! SURGERY!!!!!! WHAT??!!!
TIDAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK...huwaaaa thing that I fear most ....huuu......
Kesimpulan dia ..I'm anxious, scared...SEGALAnya ..RCT pun blum selesai ..now am shaken with another news... :( *sedey*
p/s: ary...sha takut ..actually..hehehe coz the procedure byk pakei anaesthesia...and melibatkan roots of tooth n nerve....ish...seriau la bro....
ala rilex ler...sikit je...imagine..mcm dalam life kita..dia mcm sedikit garam je dalam ramuan kita...wah....cite bab makan kang sakit lagi gigi tu..huhhu
sikit hang kata???? ang tatau berapa kali dah haku jadik werewolf lam bilik DNH tu .. haa :(
OMG...wolverine is comeback..hahaha
hampeh tul pontianak lelaki terakhir nehh.. muhahaha
buatlarr surgery ittewww tok kebaikan mulut kamoo jugerr.. kannns
en_meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ittewww!!!!!!! *bighug* mcm bigbird...
sy punya dentist pun suggest sy buat rct. but im refused. takot T_T
skang guna listerine je utk legakan sakit. tp, org kata better buat rct for long term. ugh.
hahaha..betul ler...duk ngata kawe vampire segala..berdesing...sakitnye t...tulah
aryyy: huhu :p *bwek* ang ponti comel ..ok la tu ..a credit wat...hihi
xeaa: memang elok di buat ..rct iteww...utk longevity gigi...listerine...takde makna ..tu luaran...tak membantu ..dalaman....memang sakit sikit ..tgk pada complication ..tapi should be ok ..inshaAllah ...
aku memahami kesakitan itu sha...
memang menyakitkan...
kesabaran pun kadang-kadang terlangkah...
harapannya agar pulih kembali nanti...
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