these are among the photos I ve captured last months. I did not have the time to upload and edit. Both of my Acad Comm have presented their FT in a form of casual sketch and serious ala-Gaza concept. What I admire is their commitment to show up ...tho the rain was wickedly heavy that night.
I love Human. Freezin 'em up in the memorystick is like ..putting a stop to Time. Immaculate. I Like. Without further a they are ...
Those faces and efforts will always be treasured. I did "masuk kampung" too with my multicultural research. I took the opportunity to snap some photos of tomorrow's generation...I call it ..the Juxtaposition of big and SMALL. :) - A Dream shall be Realised, A Dream to Begin.
Such a Pity...
seeing the generation of tomorrow in..god knows what speechless. I stood in the compound watching those little faces talking and laughing with their classmates, with those bulky, heavy haji bags...heading out from the school after a long day in class. My lense was merely numbed well as my thoughts....though not my smiles....the ONLY thing I could afford to give them at that moment. Behind the lenses....tears were rollin down my cheeks, Don't ask me why ..Coz I don't even know why ....I feel sorry ....sad...happy...touched by their gestures who were gazing at me as if I was this huge alien-press with a camera at hand. Drowned in my own thoughts, I snapped Aliff's photo....and Abe ..that montel he referred himself to.
Looking at these two different students who seems to have all ...and those who are still struggling in primary's....have invoked so much thoughts and senses inside. Though I was there mainly for my writeups, I got to see more than papers. I saw humans, with miles and miles of Hearts....I saw Locals who are continously in support of their children and the education system...I saw a community that is seeking for A chance to see their posterity swim out to the far as the currents and tides can bring ....and may One day ..triumphantly return to The Root.
we keep looking and running for development till forgot people who r really need...neway de small boy reminds of mine during school small..hahaha...
dia kata " nama saya alif fudhail, panggil saya Alif" :)
I tgk kepetahan dia ..rasa nak cubitttt...sungguh cute.
dulu..kawe kecik sesangat..kalo beratur yg paling depan..lawak la...lambt tumbesarannya..hahaha..kalo duk depan kena diam..tak leh chat ngan member kat belakang...neway sometimes if we feel dat we r unlucky...there r many people out there suffered compared to us...n sometimes we never appreciate everything dat have been given to us...
huhu mesti comel gilos...
tu la...kan ..when we get to "see" out there...we get to grow too...
gambo kanak-kanak riang - very sweettt
cik sha oiii...... kita follower awak gak. muah !
kak emiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mrs aidip..hehehe ..i have been wondering ..who is this i know bebe muahs! any juniors coming along? *winks*
weyyy paaaaaaaaaaaaaa...lama tak nampak ..apacita ang la ni..dah siap lom project?
project aku sampai end of may huhu.. but,,
anyway hang kem salam kat budak baju coklat tu ye, comey la pulaks hahaha
comey kans? voolat ..macam haku ..*sigh* hehehehe
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