it's 1.30pm. by 3, am heading for my appointment with DNH. my second phase of rct. I'm somewhat excited and looking forward for the treatment...
this morning around former boss ..bugged me over the phone when I was dreaming and thinking of not coming to work. the minute i answered the phone he went " Oiii...ko tido ka...apa ni....orang lepas Subuh tak tido...bla bla bla blaaaaaa" - adoiii ..apa la malang nasib haku kene bebel pepagi hari un-romantic! dah la boss plak tu hehehehe...seb baik ex-boss. if current boss...hehehe ..would it affect my appraisal? tehihihi :) I nonchallantly answered him " boss...orang sakit gigi neehhhhh...jangan la berleteerrrrr...." - and he laughed AT me. I still call him boss ...eventhough he had left us almost 2 years now. He's my confidante, my friend, my laughing-stock and my Boss. A man with loads of experience...and craziness. He changed a lot of my perception over this place...and he TOO taught me a lot about this place. the O Wise One. That's what I call him.
We caught up the good 'ol times and whatnots till 815am and he freaked "oiii lama giler cakap ngan ko ...ko la tepon aku plak..." hahahaha fat chance la boss...aku dah nak gi keje ni...some things never changed! I miss having him around, Superior yet friendly (of course we spoke formally in front of others hahaha stock cover line baekkk punya kaki gebang)... *sigh* I miss the time working with him and Azie. The air was ...Different. People thought I had an affair with him..CHOIIII...nauzubillah....he's like a big brother to me. - apa ke gila nak affair kalu dah cakap pun aku-engko...kan? bongek tul...

Last night ..was enchanting. am a softy. Right on! I can easily accept apologies, am the melting-type with apologies. especially when a person does it the right way ...vehemently-touching! the words are just ...Right ...the Tone is just ...Correct...and the Mood is just ...There.....*sigh*
and I am plain...Strucked...oigh...demm....
Good Friends are like stars....You and I? ...what A coincidence...*bummer*...Are we A coincidence?.... aiggh....
i'm quite serious when people talk bout on it..but got certain people..laughing to much frenship to me..1kg...2kg..?they evaluated like that?so stupid..
simpatinya dengan kondisi Sha sekarang...
walaupun sakit gigi, memang selera makan kurang.
So, pemakanan kena jaga...
ary: i agree with u me friends are everything. not just for laughter. and these days it's hard to find those qualities...bukan takde..tapi dah menyusut bilangan orang sebegitu... hrrmm....
hussaini: alhamdulillah...the treatment went well..selamat seperti Dr Norhani jangka kan ..selera makan kurang ..ok la tu ..boleh lose weight hehe...sha minum air je banyak..makan memang tak ada appetite ..kepala pun rasa pening je la...badan rasa weak sbb local anesthesia dia internal hari ni ..a bit ..lemau .. :) heh...
biasa tu Sha..tapi selera makan yang kurang tu jangan berlarutan sangat...
buatlah kerja lain untuk melupakan kesakitan tu yer... :)
yes cikgu..baik cikgu! ingatkan nak qada blogging ..tapi tak sempat duk prepare report..jenguk jugak blog..huhu rindu loh *_* he he he
friendship are so special..
friendship forever..
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