Assalamualaikum bloggie...
I woke up extra early today because Nor is back in town! we had breakfast at PC and halim, her buddy didn't get to have his. coz the abg roti canai forgot his order. Man he was pissed! hahahaha...pity him. I was scared that he would flip the table off ..( like some people Fortunately ..he didn't. He just sipped on his teh beng...and puffed his ciggy...[tho I don't like much being around smoke...I gotta bear with that....oh tidakkk...]
And I stopped by office see how things were with u-know-who's program. to my surprised he arrived in fashionably late...- transportation problem. oigh....and this was not there...some of those were not here ...bla bla bla ....I decided to leave. Don't wanna get caught up in that's not my program ..else I'd have to justify my presence at that point of time. Not Good...

I continued my sleep and got up to a pile of laundry...and washed Lisa. She's frikkin' dusty from the off-on rain and roadside construction.
I passed by a bakery yesterday ..full of donuts...colorful donuts...wicked awsome ...but am not really a fan of donuts (really pa...hahahahahahah) coz over here in the east coast's wicked sweet! What I do like is - BAGEL. I could just live in this World with Bagel alone...Bagel and I.

you can eat it with creamcheese.. with eggs..butter...even Kaya or plain strawberry cameron highland jams :) or you simply just dip it in plain tea o or kopi o ..time hujan could be the best replacement for Ubi Kayu during monsoon ya know it when it's hot ...oooooo Yummylicious.....
Where to find? kl ada la kot ...over here...I've to learn how to make it. huh....sungguh tidak rajin when it comes to kneading...oighh...all in all donut ke bagel ke ...i can consume as long as it's not sweet. what i normally do if I miss bagel too much ...I go to my favorite bakery in UdaMurni and buy sugarless donuts. There's this place that sells donut sugar-tailored to its customer's preference. As for me, no sugar auntie.. :) I loike.....
Why am i rambling about makan? coz i need to clear my mind off someone :) ha ha ha
17 comments: clear my mind off someone?? Siapakah itu? :)
but, jangan melantak sangat makanan tu. Nanti nak tido je keja...
Memang lama gak tak makan ubi kayu...Tapi minggu ni dah dapat makan bubur kacang mix jagung...hehe
hahaha ..cikguuuuuuuuuuuu lama tak nampak ..kat sini clear the mind from thinking of seseorang yang tidak sepatut nya... ce cecewahhh...
manade melantak la cikgu...terkenang ajo...
ubi kayu rebus ..sodaps nyehh..
di hari Sabtu ni, ada kelapangan sedikit. Tapi, esok dah bermulalah hari-hari kesibukan..hehe...teman rapat akan melangsungkan perkahwinan...
ubi kayu rebus campur lagi ngan susu..sedap tu makan time panas2 sambil tengok TV... :)
teringat pula zaman sekolah menengah..asrama lelaki tepi hutan..then, banyak pula ubi kayu ditanam kat belakang asrama. Tiap kali hujung mingu, especially musim balik kampung, sy dan kawan2 yg jauh kpg halaman sajalah yg tinggal kat asrama. Time nilah kami bersatu patu mengorek ubi kayu. Pastu dipanggang secara curi-curi (kan tak boleh main api)...Erm..memang sedap betul makan ubi kayu giler zaman ubi kayu tu...
nyum2x..share leh..hehe
hi ary ...hehehehehe no wonder la i dreamt u visited wofsha ....rupa2 nya betul!!!! ahaks ;)
hahaha...sampai dream of me...heheh
nampak gaya Ary dah ada kawan baru...
sama-samalah kita bersilaturahmi... :)
*lol* tu laa..argue pasal kasut n baju lagi ...sampai ke mimpi jadi nya ha ha
sampai ke mimpi? Adooii....
mungkin Ary akan memulakan komentarnya malam ini. Maklumlah, orang tu sibuk sikit dengan kerjanya as civil engineer...
ary dah jawab kat blog hussaini tu ha...dia dari tadi ada ...awak je tak perasan...hehehehe ...tu la ..isu kasut ni memang menghidupkan suasana *lol*
tiba-tiba ary boleh menyelinap masuk dalam alam maya ni kan...haha
Sha, jangan lupa, cari ubi kayu petang ni utk direbus malam nanti..hehe
nak shopping beli jagung lah pulak petang ni... :)
hussaini: tak payah cari pun ..belakang rumah berlambak pokok ubi kayu huhu...jagung? sha tunggu tanah tu 'segar" balik ..lepas ni nak tanam jagung pulak ..hari tu musim ubi dah tuai dah ...
wah..bestnya...yang takde jagung ni, terpaksalah membeli..dah nak bertolak ni..hehe nak ke pasar...
rupanya ada something yang interest kat awani 501..perspektif kita..berbicara mengenai
tu yang semalam ari ni kot ..
teringin nak makan jco donuts.
tsk tsk *telan air lior*
haisshh...jgn buat orang terliorr hehehehe
huhu..sibbaik kan..masih dlm kawalan lg lah tuh..
woww..ubi kayu rebus..besh! mkn panas2 nga kelapa parut..time ujan pulak lagik syok..minum kopi o..wallaaqqq...
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