Assalamualaikum bloggie...
This Archuleta's song is playing in my head and mp3. hehehehe ...kinda right on the dot-song. Last nite I stayed awake till ..God knows when. I was carried away by Sejarah Melayu ...(right on...)
Earlier I spent my night with someone. :) [ jangan fikir bukan-bukan, it's strictly PG rated. haha]... Anyway, it was Nice..... ( sorta....)
I'm tight up with loads and today I managed to convince Ridha, our corporate team that I DO NOT WANT TO TEACH THOSE OUTSIDERS! Not that I'm not interested - I just DO NOT HAVE THE frikkin' TIME. My weekends are mostly occupied with my ambition and my weekdays are slumped. I can only blog around 6pm above ...and God I miss blogging! I cannot NOT blog in a day. I just need to POUR my heart out ...ya know ...Here... :) Plus, if I don't visit my new friends' sites, I Miss them! nak jugak baca or menyibuk walau seketika....Walaupunnn.... so, Corporate so-called people, LEAVE ME ALONE! hahahahahahahahahahahahah
Even Mrs Aishah stopped by my cubicle to 'nudge' me for karaokeing sesuka hati haku ...lagu si archuleta ni ...hahahahahah. I need something to boost my marking spirit hahahaha plus blogging! hehehe sorry ek Shah, by the way I mean it - Nice NEW backpack! I loike....
I'm just a little too not over youuuuuu.....hahahaha *sigh* damn I Miss You.
oh ya ...en_me thank you very much for the sweet angelic thought of yours ...Terima kasih banyak-banyak ...daun keladi ....kecil tapak tangan .....posmen yang tukang tadahkan ..INshaAllah....hahahaha no shy la me kan en_me....nanti sha emel kan en_me ...'preciate it mucho.
I'll never understand (true...why la i put myself into this mess hahahahaha)
I can't seem to face the truth ... I'm just a Little to Not Over YOU.
OK...now am heading home ...early uolls....because I have Sejarah Melayu to read on. haaaaaa...I need to solve the puzzle that ecclectic, sophisticated lady ...gave me. of ALL days ...and person ...haku jugak yang nak di test nye.....oighh.....
This Archuleta's song is playing in my head and mp3. hehehehe ...kinda right on the dot-song. Last nite I stayed awake till ..God knows when. I was carried away by Sejarah Melayu ...(right on...)
Earlier I spent my night with someone. :) [ jangan fikir bukan-bukan, it's strictly PG rated. haha]... Anyway, it was Nice..... ( sorta....)
I'm tight up with loads and today I managed to convince Ridha, our corporate team that I DO NOT WANT TO TEACH THOSE OUTSIDERS! Not that I'm not interested - I just DO NOT HAVE THE frikkin' TIME. My weekends are mostly occupied with my ambition and my weekdays are slumped. I can only blog around 6pm above ...and God I miss blogging! I cannot NOT blog in a day. I just need to POUR my heart out ...ya know ...Here... :) Plus, if I don't visit my new friends' sites, I Miss them! nak jugak baca or menyibuk walau seketika....Walaupunnn.... so, Corporate so-called people, LEAVE ME ALONE! hahahahahahahahahahahahah
Even Mrs Aishah stopped by my cubicle to 'nudge' me for karaokeing sesuka hati haku ...lagu si archuleta ni ...hahahahahah. I need something to boost my marking spirit hahahaha plus blogging! hehehe sorry ek Shah, by the way I mean it - Nice NEW backpack! I loike....
I'm just a little too not over youuuuuu.....hahahaha *sigh* damn I Miss You.
oh ya ...en_me thank you very much for the sweet angelic thought of yours ...Terima kasih banyak-banyak ...daun keladi ....kecil tapak tangan .....posmen yang tukang tadahkan ..INshaAllah....hahahaha no shy la me kan en_me....nanti sha emel kan en_me ...'preciate it mucho.
I'll never understand (true...why la i put myself into this mess hahahahaha)
I can't seem to face the truth ... I'm just a Little to Not Over YOU.
OK...now am heading home ...early uolls....because I have Sejarah Melayu to read on. haaaaaa...I need to solve the puzzle that ecclectic, sophisticated lady ...gave me. of ALL days ...and person ...haku jugak yang nak di test nye.....oighh.....
lagu ni pun antara favorite gak...mesti pernah dengar lagu "Smoky Mountain Memories" dari David Archuleta ni kan...btw, kecewa sikit dengan liriknya...alunan lagu dah ok dah...tapi......... :(
uih? Salam hussaini...minat jugak ek ...ni kebetulan ja...now kamek dah ternyanyi nyanyi sorang2 ..hehehehe
ternyanyi sorang-sorang..jangan nyanyi sambil memasak nasi..nanti lambat kahwin pula...
hehehe ..sungguh ironi kata2mu heheheheh
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