Assalamualaikum bloggie...........JPG)
mixed papers..first touching the ground, it'll be sorted according to class and types....interesting ..Do you know that colored paper has less quality to be recycled than plain whites?a haaa.....Do you also know that recycling newsprint saves 34%-60% of the total energy needed for virgin newsprint?
Do you know that One ton of recycled plastic saves 5,774 Kwh of energy, 16.3 barrels (685 gallons) of oil, 98 million Btu's of energy, and 30 cubic yards of landfill space?
Do you know that Recycled corrugated containers saves 24% of the total energy needed to manufacture corrugated containers from trees?
Do you know that Plastic containers are recycled into plastic lumber for picnic tables and park benches, carpet fiber, clothing, automotive parts, paint brushes, and more plastic bottles? huhuhu...eiii.... hehehehe
Do you know them? of course you don't..hehehehe these are my DDE 1 ..with a few people who simply love nature and proud to be the Eco-Rangers. oh yeahh...
they look young...well..they Are young ...However I do Hope One Day, they will grow up to be The Eco-Rangers and protects the Earth for posterity....
the bundles of papers, cardboxes and plastics to be transported to Sg Buloh for further trades.
It's not easy being human, let alone the nature. every now and then we see pollution here and there. Some of us don't even bother to know what is going on to Mother Earth to-date. From my experience, when I speak of Wildlife Extinction and other environmental issue, most people would sneer at me...gave me that look of what-da-hell-are-ya-talkin'-about, poking me with all the "joke" they could think of ...and to the extend of screwing up my project and not even a proper apology ..given. Are we mortal? Are we the Greatest? I ain't great, ain't no Mother Theresa either...but look around us...those who cares are becoming I too late? I'd say ..It's Never too late...
We can start on a small scale as in our our own sweet pace and effort...Locate your nearest recycling center and start isolating your trash...
I have ...
Shall we..? :)
Do you know that Recycled corrugated containers saves 24% of the total energy needed to manufacture corrugated containers from trees?
It's not easy being human, let alone the nature. every now and then we see pollution here and there. Some of us don't even bother to know what is going on to Mother Earth to-date. From my experience, when I speak of Wildlife Extinction and other environmental issue, most people would sneer at me...gave me that look of what-da-hell-are-ya-talkin'-about, poking me with all the "joke" they could think of ...and to the extend of screwing up my project and not even a proper apology ..given. Are we mortal? Are we the Greatest? I ain't great, ain't no Mother Theresa either...but look around us...those who cares are becoming I too late? I'd say ..It's Never too late...
We can start on a small scale as in our our own sweet pace and effort...Locate your nearest recycling center and start isolating your trash...
I have ...
Shall we..? :)
baru siang tadi dengar singapura nak naikkan denda membuang sampah merata-rata jadi SGD750.. uhuhu
dlu time skolah2 dlu, amalan kitar semula mmg dipraktikkan siap ada tong sampah ikut ni pun ada gak tong sampah warna-warni tuh tp tak merata...tmpt2 tertentu jeh ader...
lama dah tak recycle.
dulu masa dok umah, tak keja, kumpul segala surat khabar, majalah, botol dan segala benda yg boleh recycle.
dapat gak carik sesuap nasik. huuu
kan xeaa...tapi la ni paper murah ..13sen sekilogram..heheheh ...kami kat sini tak jual pun ..good enough dorang nak datang collect...minyak lori dorang lagi at least ...kami dapat buang properly ....tunggu..seterusnya sha akan tunjuk Landfill PALING TERUK di kb nie...esok petang kami pi....tunggguuu....
nuar least sekolah ada jugak ...di bandar2 ..takde ...di kelantan ni lagi la...dalam website perbandaran ..KUNUN recyling ...bila i pergi check di pejabat dorang ...ampeh kedaung ...orang tu siap cakap "dalam perancangan" ...emm paham-paham aje la apa maksud nya kan.......
me: wah...kat malaysia ada signboard je ..takde yang menyaman ...huhuhu...en me apa kabar ?
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