I've been excruciatingly occupied with the FTs. Now, we're in the midst of preparing the report cum presentation. ME? recuperating from rct.
now this Hati ...is pounding. I just got The Sms. ya Allah Ya Rabbi...jangan lah Engkau ..hidupkan dia kembali ...jangan lah Engkau Hadirkan dia dalam apa jua Bentuk ...Aku Mohon Pada Mu Ya ALLAH...biarlah kenangan Itu Berkubur ..SelamaNya...Hanya Engkau Yang Maha Mengasihani Lagi Melindungku ..Amin...
I'm facing or should I say ..meeting...or acquaintancing...knowing...A Person ..who has almost ALL of 'his' qualities. It's TOO good to be True...and Life is (still) joking with me I presume...This is just Temporary ...(that's what I have been saying to myself ...eversince I met him) too perfect...it cannot be....Please Dear God ..Help me ...Jangan Diuji lagi Hati Ini dengan 'dia'....hantarlah aku ke Gaza, ke Afghanistan (mcm Sheridan...) ke Mana sekalipun.. aku Sanggup....tapi tidak dengan Dugaan Ini ....aku tidak Mampu Ya Allah ... I don't know how am I going to walk through this Life ...with This...
I have stopped Dreaming....I just wanna resume the remaining of the Time .......

lain mcm jea entry kali nie..sabar byk2
thanks Ena *hugs*
lama tak nampak ...how's the bento-loving girl doing?
apa dah jadi
sorryla aku dah lama tak mai, last week was a bit rough on me
ellu pa!! hehe how are u ? hope u went thru it well...U CAN DO IT sista! i was worried jugak anta sms tak reply ..sure tgh down gloomy...apa2 pun..RAWK ON babe!
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