i took a drive out last night. First stop was the airport...coz I love planes...and lights. However, airport does remind me of the most heart-wrenching, agonizing, grievous, tormenting and excruciatingly painful Moment.
I sat there for a while when my eyes glued to A FEW moving figures in the dark!!! Astaghfirullahalazimmmmmmmmm....kat airport pun jadi!!!!! how I wish there were kilat n petir. Seriously! there's one pair of both males....oighhh yucks! jerks!if I can clearly identify your frikkin gender...don't u think others or UP THERE can See u too?? Good God....makin serabut aku dibuatnya ..and I decided to take off. awfully disturbed...made me wanna puke! haktuigh!
writing about it is making me nauseous too! aiighh...then I decided to go to the hypermart's playland area where the lights are bright out to take a breather. whaddaya know ...another couple 9 o'clock. I just shut my eyes and take a DEEP breathe....leaning back and gazed the stars. Much Better! thank God.........I saw North Star...tremendously bright out...looking for my Polaris ..as usual....I miss my polaris ...my ursa ... I was either dizzy ..or the constellation was moving faster than normal...hehehe ...i kept seeing the same circle.....oigh..i was dizzy alrite... I focused on North Star instead and did my breathing exercise I learned in Qi Qong Shaolin class. haaaaaaa....nice ...then..came the ever-longingly-awaited sms " ...So, what happened..?" sweet and concern ..as always ... i answered " I dunno how to put in words...I just miss my friends ...in time like this ..and theyre just millions of miles away" - how I wish the Sender is my shoulder to cry on ... unfortunately-I cannot weep on This Forbidden Shoulder...I'd be tailoring my own coffin...he he

Though they are far away...I know they care about me. as much as I do for them. emails, phones, texts, video conferencing ...are not the same as in person. I remember all three of us ...lying on the lawn in front of mary lyon's...gazing the stars ...talking about our problems ..laughing ..and wiping tears of each others. we would talk and talk ...till a shooting star crossed and we'd be giggling and guessing each other's naughty wishes ...*sigh* those were the times....A time I can't turn to....

Then ...came another sms " pik..lewat dah ni ..balik la ..ni bukan kl ...lewat malam ada kat luar lagi..." - eh? I looked at my watch...whoaa..how time flew...with This and that smses coming along ...I felt a lot better. I ploddingly drove home.....and the night sky is Beautiful - SubhanAllah...gosh ..it really was beautiful last nite....and I couldn't find Pisces... either. huh...
glad u received my humble souvenir tewwww.. updatelarr dlm blog.. salammms
wsalam wbt ..en_me ..i havent received it ..the postman no walk-walk friday over here ...hehe ..tapi sha baca kat entri me kat blog lumayan iteww...chomey...oh pasti ramai yang cembrew...hakhaks..voleyy gitew kans ...inshaAllah akan wofsha updatekan ...
alangkah mudah jika diri ini banyak
boleh ku buat segala kerja ...
aduhai en_me terima kasih banyak
tanda ingatanmu takkan ku lupa...
adakah itu dikatakan umat akhir zaman? bahayakan...
boleh pula singgah kat airport. airport mana ni Sha?
sungguh kurang sopan ..kucing saya pun reti mengawan di tempat tersorok ....
airport lapangan terbang la :p ...di negeri ini ...tempat saya tinggal sekarang ..dah hint dah tu ..he he
bukan KLIA cikgu...kuching pun tidak ... heheheks
kalau ada lastik, Sha boleh jer lastik diorang dari jauh. Biar diorang sedar sikit. :)
Owh, manalah tahu kat airport lain kan...
kemerosotan akhlak di kalangan remaja makin meruncing di masa kini tidak kira di bandar atau desa..huhu..ulaskan tidak lebih dari 360 patah perkataan..hehe..
ulas mak las ...balik sini meh haku ulas ...haha oii pempuan! pegi cameron tu jangan lupa jagungsss...jagungs sedaps tuss...ada yang esok aku naik cameron jugak kang....he he he
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