Assalamualaikum bloggie...
I had a lonnnnggg day today. Eventho am pretty much flat and occupied with loads of work, I'm lucky because my Sunday isn't as hectic as other days. Plus, I got even more excited to write about the trip to visit my friends in KL (oh well..Malacca too..."cousins"). I came in seeing my fellow friends in here are so "teruja" with anak Ikan TLDM hahahahaha ..i thot i was the only one obsessed! Nuar *winks* Unfortunately, dear beloved friends, I cannot put up the photos I do not have 'em. :) I didnt bring my camera to the wedding. What I DO have are photos of me and me and friends and cousins Malacca Zoo, Putrajaya and KL. heeee...what to do ...It's like 5 days were not enough.....rasa nak pergi Lagi ...heeee.... Above is the photo of SLEEPING tiger...kawaii and I must have not showered enough the tigers were ALL sleeping when we were there. FOR THOSE who'd like to go, AVOID 4pm-ish....semoa animals qada tidoq...except for the Sun Bears. They are awfully cute...macam I hahahahah
since the animals were sleeping .....nothing much to shoot ...we became fully obsessed with ourselves! ha ha ha ...the photos are like thousands ...abundance. I've just burned a cd to be mailed to kawaii tomorrow....I'm planning to get a new portable HDD, dah semua kaki snapping 8G pendrive ..will NOT do. I'm hungry ...ate lunch ..but not really fulfilling ...coz the vietnamese pho bo shop was closed. huuuuu...stucked in the office ...hungry thinking of blended vanilla....aaaa si donut still has not recovered from flu. poor kiddo...he's walking around with a face towel ...hahahaha look soo ah-beng wan...when i asked him to dry his his jedi-tone he went, "dry my nose, I shall .." adeii..sengal....hehehehe...altho I find it..cute...hehehe kawaii...don't say it ....keep it! hahahahahaha a rose will still be a rose....kan sha?
When al-hussaini mentioned the word terubuk..kecur air liur kata kita plan next trip to Sarawak plak??? nak???? bleh gi hutan sana ..lagi real animals dia ....perghhhh....esok stat simpan duit lebih skit laa...huhuhuuu
ish...ish ish ....angan-angan itu Beautiful. heee =)
p sarawak.... best2
jlnnya tenang jek x mcm cni kelam kelibut hehe
kumpul jgn x kumpul wit e?
cik sya pun nak kumpul wit bebyk...
tp blela dpt huhu
hi sha...terubuk..nyam nyam...
meh ar bertandang ke sarawak...bila lagi...time umur masih muda ni..hehe
pastu jelajah Sarawak, p la ke Sabah sekali..baru je bulan lepas g Pulau Manukan kat area KK sangat...time sampai jer, naik atas jambatan nak menuju ke chalet...huh...ikan berwarna warni mengejar kita di bawah jambatan...
time menyelam lagi best...banyak lagi ikan2 yang unik & tapak sulaiman yang ceria berwarna-warni..terumbu karang yang beratus-ratus tahun terbentuk coraknya..Sungguh Agung ciptaan Tuhan
hihihi...cik sya ...cik sha gelak sowang2 nengok nama ..hihi cik sya apply la course d paid vacation hihihihihi..
ishh buat orang teruja ni....eiishhh....
harap dpt la g trip ke sarawak :D best best best
lg aktif klu g malam..zoo melaka dh buka waktu mlm skang nie kan..
buka buka....tapi kami pegi petang ..tak plan actually..tiba2 ..snap! jom ayaq keghoh (sebut macam cik pa) huhuhu...kalao malam ..mau ngan kami2 tidoq sana ..huhu...aaauuummmm....
uih, beruang!!! :D
huhu gerun aku masa nak amek gambaq sun bear tu
siannyerr tak jumperrr badaks erk.. wakakaka
hahahaha en_me ...dalam makna ketawa mu itewww hahahaha
woit...mane pic yg ala-alam tamtam tue..buh ler sni..nk nenguk!hehe..yg kaki bejuntai tuhs
pic ala tamtam tu ada....penuh satu cdrw...700mb hahahahaha ...lom sompet lagi nih nak ngeaplod...duk bz ngan preparation FT to Paper recycling center this saturday ..and waste management lak next week! exam aku tak siap2 lagi ...hahahaha bende senang je ..tapi dah ma alip las....begitew lah jadinya...
huhuhu..vit m manyak nim..dunt begitewww..cuba igt linguistik..kompom ro alip jim..hehe:p
ler alip tih ...ker alip alip nyak ...hahahahahaha.... alip ba.. lam alip lik..ta bawah ti..dal depan dur..
hahahahahaha oii nger alip je..saa alip lahhh ....hahahahahahahahahahaha
wrong wrong wrong..but i understand pex jangan isau ha ha ha ha ..klakar sungguh kamu sopex.
wey nanti klu nak balik ..nak kirim barang ...he he he bekalan mustard ku nok abih doh kenot lip widaut mai masterk he he he
wahahaha..paham pun lo erk..
ai poget lar..which one mastard ah.. takpe.. nti u xplain to me la.. i bai meni meni por u k..
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