I woke up and I decided NO WORK! I received some good news from Pa lastnite...Alhamdulillah ...well pa...hang ingat tak aku cerita about me going to another field trip yang waste management tu ..? the dvd shots corrupted...again ..orang yang sama ...blew it ..and AGAIN No Apology..given....WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE POLITE MELAYUS? why so Gundu???
haaa....and to repulse on the same mood was a big no-no to me as I have other things to focus on ....i just told him right to his face " Don't talk to me ...as you have too much hurt me in so many damn ways ..." hahaha macam bagus je ayat ..but then am really ...annoyed.
I left home for sejarah melayu and minor migraine...decided to nap and fell asleep. This morning I don't know who am I merajuk with ..I just don't feel like showing up to work ...(else I kill somebody)
I went for a head therapy instead! Got a haircut + damn nice massage! = oh man...it feels sooooo good...am temporarily light-headed and flowinggg......those Magic Hands... he he Alhamdulillah Praise be to Allah for the Idea. :)

Meeeeeemang Berbaloi.....and I almost got a parking ticket for excessive meter limit ..hahahah ...just in time. Else I'd take a photo with that meter guy ..SNAP! saya dari Sinar Harian Encik, encik pemenang bertuah kita minggu ini! - Tahniah! *lol*
:) I don't know why am Smiling ...but AM SMILING.
snap jer gambo encik parking tiket tewww.. ehehe
hahahahahah kan en_me kan? voley giteeww kan...glamram (glamour-haram) mamat itew..
salam kenal from SRI..
Hope dpt berkongsi cerita
Assalamualaikum SriSufi ...
terima kasih kerana sudi bertandang ....jumpa lg..
AC, good news apa kah yg aku bagi tu?? yg aku ingat is aku soh hang tgk tv3...
as for that jerk, hang kena cenge dgn dia else he'll dare to repeat it again and again.
betina tu tak bersemuka pun dgn aku. aku tak peduli dia boss ke apa it doesnt mean she can go around like that. aku sendiri akan bagi treatment. so hang taram that techy aku taram boss siye aku tu huhu
jahatkan aku hasut org
the good news is ..u are okay ...u were so silent that time ...had me worried .. :) but since u were in penang ...legaa..knowing u were at the right place ... amin..
the tv3? hahaha ally ..tak kuasa aku ...i dont think he stands by that point of liking fat person la...to like as in acquaintance ye la ...to marry one?...even masa kat college dulu pun dia duk tergila kan si ana yang tak pandang pun dia ...unrequited love ..until now dia choosy ...
nway ..am much better now ... as far as that tech is concern ..i'd given him a tough time last week by not adhering to his so called rules and regulation ..and he got stucked in his own guilt...in his-face...
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