these are among a few that I managed to save from The Disaster that strucked me coupla weeks ago. I finished my session of 4 hours today with flying colors. Didn't even notice it was 4 hours. How could I talk? hahahahaha I'm a yapper alrite...of course's educational ..I really enjoyed it when they manage to understand the message I'd like to successfully convey.
Critical Thinking is NOT an easy subject. Sometimes I'm not even critical myself. hehehe ...bak kata Jedi "I'm only human" - who should've spelled 'fishermen' correctly my good as 'pique'. To teach jedi-subjects require a Yoda, and heck am not even close... however, Alhamdulillah ..experiences and stories of Life I've accumulated thus far, have helped them comprehend how to gear up and spark on the process. It could be a great a better New Life. who knows?
Looking at my Own Journey has somewhat influenced me on who I want to become and produce. They are my posterity. My Nation. regardless what...My Brothers and Sisters of Islam. bak kata Fadh.."Ukhwah Fillah selamanya..." tu yang buat air mata ku bercucuran ...amazing isn't it. I didn't know where the emotion comes ..but Allah SWT "crunched" it all out on me ....ominously putting me at awe wondering ..-what the heck is happening? it dropped like pearls onto my tudung...I could see droplets and it remained in that shape...MasyaAllah ..Dugaan apakah ini....terlalu Agung perasaan Itu...
Critical Thinking...memang susah tu. Macamana nak buat imaginasi untuk mencapahkan lagi pemikiran di luar kotak tu yer?
kalau dulu masa belajar saya banyak ..bercerita..kemudian relatekan ..tak pun ..scl..let them relate according to their own senses...tapi kene tau jugak background student..ada jugak zaman belajar dulu ..lecturer citer yang non related pun ...but mostly old profs do that ...citer dia panjang hussaini...hehe ..sambung minggu depan ...keje saya dah over load ..assalamualaikum wbt
waalaikummusssalam wbt..
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