Photo ...Freaks :)
Assalamualaikum bloggie......Once upon a festive, trafficky, packed with singaporean cars weekend, 2 bubbly,crazy, fun-loving, diesel, cheese-to-die-for friends decided to......explore....
Food they consumed along the journey....namely ...the uber-licious Chicken Dumpling SoupAll credits go to The Noodles Station.. :)
hahahaha...I almost forgot la xeaa...sorry here is the springy noodle...yang sha dah lupa apa nama IC dia dalam menu hahahahahaha......nyam nyammm...thanks for reminding ...actually ...Pa punya ladna noodles dah ada in previous entries....nak letak banyak in one post....*maluuuu*hahahahahahaha
the wicked-gooey-yummy shiitake mushrooms on ladna.....heaven on a went to the last drip...slurrrppss...actually ..there're a lot more foods involved in the making of this shooting *lol* due to unavoidable embarrassment (or later..circumstances..) and adhering to the Sihat Campaign, I decided not to show off (hahahaha)
the believe-or-not, second impeccable Chicken Dumplings Soup....aerial view with a dash of scallions....*drool....droooool.....*
a typical but savory appetizer ...with a sprinkle of black pepper....crunch...crunch.....only missing was ...thousand island dressing ....or..maybe....bleu cheese dip ....(daydreaming...haha)
these were The Orders.....
the Blessed with rezeki and stuffed...with simply professes her Love & Devotion to Vanilla...and Pa is proven, Certified Chocaholic
hehehe..mengedix @ Putra Perdana ...I hope you enjoy our ceritera rakyat...jumpa lagi ! *wink*
cik sha mamam aper tu? mushroom tu very the close-up kan :D
mane noodles nye?
kate makan kat Noodles.
Nuar bebeh...why ah ..sha tak boleh nak view blog u ..asyik2 ..error IE... :(
time tu kami "menteke" kuey teow ladna, springy noodles,fries,2 chix dumplings...3 orders of xtra mushrooms, vanilla blended,chocolate,banana split,ada lagi a few ...tak hengat dah ..hihihihi...astaghrifullahala'zimmmm....kan ?
xeaaa: tuuuu dah letak dahhh..hahahah forgot...manyak woo itu gambar ...anyhow :) thanks girl
astaghfirullahhala'zim* sorry dear friends ...typo..:)
nuar ...ada bykkk sangat gambar ladna tu ..kalau tgk banyak kali ..craving gilers..haha ..gigil terus ..
nyum nyum nyum semua nampak sedap
Nyam nyam...The uber-licious Chicken Dumpling best je kat tekak kalau dihirup...berapa harganya tu Sha???
Ena: alhamdulillah memang sedap ..may be kami tgh kelaparan ..sbb seharian tak makan kot ..hahaha
hussaini: chicken dumps tu..if tak silap..RM4 kot ..betul tak Pa? cikgu hussaini ..sha nak pegi field trip 2 jam kat luar ni nanti sha updates ek cerita kat sana ..sha agak teruja ni hehehe
kena belanja i kat Noodles lah nampaknye ni.
xeea ehehehehe...lajuuu ahaks!
AC, tang mana hang buat gambaq ala2 sketch ni?? huhu
haaa...nanti aku ajaq ang donlod software dia ...
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