Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Doodle Away

Chowsannnnnn...Assalamualaikum bloggie...

for 2 straight nights ... we lost our power supply. They're "fixing" the mother-cable whatnots ... Life without electricity...is not cool when there's no fan...hehehehhe ....apart from that, I don't mind the dark ...coz it keeps my eyes well-rested and healthy :)
these few days, my mornings have been chilled and cosy ... nice ambience ...don't feel like leaving the bed behind... hahahaha... oh bloggie ...I have something to ramble on...
I read this in the ever-so-enchanted Reader's Digest. - Doodling.
the next time you are caught doodling ....explain that you are improving your concentration. Serious! hahahaha my first remark was " you have got to be kiddin' me!"
A study by a UK psychology professor has shown that people who doodle have better recall. Doodling stops daydreaming and helps people pay attention. It stops your mind from wandering.
Doodling dear bloggie ...is when you scribble away in a meeting or convention or classes ...or public lectures and so on to kill your boredom.
wofsha? Guilty as Charged :)
If you check in my personal reading books and notes ...half of my life is in there! hahaha
If you ever get lucky to see my dictionary ...you will probably come across my ex-birthdate!
If you can be near my Thesaurus ....you might see lucky charms.... ha ha ha ....
oigh....bloggie...that is totally Me :)
I keep on Smiling & Grinning. - I'm a doodle-licious freak! ha ha ha

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