Monday, September 12, 2011

Kini Detiknya

salaam bloggie ...
salam namaste! huhuhu ...dah kene sawan hindi lak dua tiga hari ni ...sabo je le ye....heheheh

I have an okay weekend.....down with terrible migrain and mense cramps...i opted for Bowling ease the pain. how? dont even ask me...went out with ijat n usen to melontor. havent seen usen in a am choked with schedules and him with his as well. let's wish him to reach his graduation line with first class. i bet he'll be flying! ha ha ....right sein...

and tonite i did something that will definitely hurt my ego. oh yet again~ bla bla bla...i keep telling myself .. i have reason for doing so. YEAH RIGHT. hahaha ...oh well..once the program is done. i shall revert to square one. now that am busy ...i shall try to be professional. huhu ....crap~


tomorrow is a-nother day. Day of me not wanting to be there. but I am starting to love my students for this new batch. what can i do? love conquers ALL.

~things I do for Love. *sigh*

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