Monday, July 25, 2011

meow meow

hi bloggie...salam...

from now onwards my schedule ends at 7pm daily except for Tuesday! whoaaaaaaaaaa! hou tong ahhh~ tuesday adalah hari Impian ku ..kekdah nya lepas ni....aiyo ma aiyo pa....kadang2 rasa penat yg too much....but when they managed to understand what i teach them....the penat worth everything....kadang2 am just dead. coming home sudah tak mampu nak buat benda lain except for mandi ( tu pun nyaris tak kene merangkak) i guess after this i should practice sembahyang duduk la plak ...coz am seriously tired dengan schedule this semester. hectic.

thank God I managed to berjimba with pa n lynn earlier this month. therefore ..tak ralat sangatlah if i did not have vacation sampai hujung tahun pun ...obviously i do not have that privillege now..huhu...sodih kan kodok?

tak pa la ...lagipun this year i plan to celebrate ramadhan se-humble mungkin...and eid se-biasa mungkin...then InshaAllah if ada Umur ...I wanna celebrate this year's Birthday alone ...making a few resolution. :)

there is nothing more than longevity that I am praying for. Moga Allah Gives me the Time and Glory to Reach the Finishing Line. Amin.

Now what am i supposed to do ? oh ....basuh baju ..huhu kerja bibik ku belom selesai ...and tadi dapat adiah from UK...cekelat lagi...hadei..apsal tak kasi cincin berlian ke ..buku citer ke...perfume ke...hahahaha bra ke ...perghhh ....ngehehehe...gatai..

oh tak jumpa stalker ku ...dia busy kot. hahahaha legaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...tak payah nak layan ceritera dia ...and tomorrow My Engineering boys will perform their Sketch!!! Tidak-Sabar Occay~~

amin amin amin ..moga semua lancar tomorrow...huga!

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